posted on 19/9/06 at 10:28 AM |
you need to resize the image (or lower the quality ie compress it more if it's a jpeg) until the file size is under a certain number of
kb's maybe 200k or 100k, I can't remember,
beware, I've got yellow skin
mike smith1
posted on 19/9/06 at 10:46 AM |
quote: Originally posted by dave-69isit
how do you shrink piks as i keep getting a message saying pik to big
U need a image resizer you can down load it from microsoft website under power toys.
Its on the right hand side near the bottom, down load it and then open up were the pic is saved, right click on the pic and you will see in the grey
box resize image, the normal medium setting should be ok
[Edited on 19/9/06 by mike smith1]
Dave J
posted on 19/9/06 at 10:56 AM |
Sunday was a fairly good day, I guess the weather made it really.
Luego owners were very thin on the ground. Mine plus two other Vientos. Hi to Clive, Martin and Mike.
Highlights for me : making lots of noise in the tunnel .....Hah 52 and still lairy!!
The insurance girl previously mentioned (phew! serious letch mode kicked in )
Talking to other owners/builders, always a great bunch of people .
The kitcar racing was great, real nip and tuck stuff, loads of overtaking. Just as it should be. 32 cars on the grid made for a very interesting
first corner. In my humble opinion alot more exciting than the boring F1 nowdays.
The organisation was poor. Very little signage telling the punters where the real interest was (owners cars). Apparently the facilities for the people
camping were absolutely appaling with overflowing toilets etc.
Overall it was a reasonable day out. If it hadn't been for the racing, then I would have considered the £10 entrance fee somewhat high.
Luckily the venue is within easy distance for me, but I would certainly consider giving it a miss next year as I reckon £30 for the four of us is
steep for what is the poorest show I've been to yet.
I certainly wouldn't recommend it to those of you who have to travel long distances.
Anyway, that's my four penneth.
All the best guys.
rusty nuts
posted on 19/9/06 at 06:25 PM |
Looked for Clive but couldn't find him , bet he was hiding from me. I was parked in the Locost site met a few faces
posted on 19/9/06 at 06:31 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Hellfire
When we arrived on Saturday morning there were MK's scattered all over. The largest group however were parked on the end of the Locost area, so
that's where we parked too. I did notice later in the day that someone had put the MK Owners Club banner up but only Ash3's Indy was
there, so we left ours where it was. Rant over.
Yes it was a shame, it was my first show( with the car) I was looking forward to parking it up with a load of others and jhaving a chat, but when we
got there there soon after 10 on Saturday, there was no MK stand as such and as said only a couple of others scattered about, so I ditched mine on the
grass near the side.
Oh well, roll on Stoneleigh! and if I've not broken it by then I'll look forward to seeing you all there