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Engine Size
9000rpm - 26/5/06 at 10:03 PM

Hi all, I am new to this forum and be reading/searching for the past month.

I am after a AWD chassis with 50/50 weight front/rear(or near). I am not after ready made kits such as DAX. I want a DIY
Some help needed here
1) Have similar locost been done with High powered engine (+350whp)?
2) Which chassis would be good for this project ?

Donor cars
My first choice was a Skyline but the engine+gearbox would be enormous for a locost. Although there are many tyres of AWD Skyline engines, they are all 6 cylinder
L x W x H
RB20DET: 845x660x685
RB26DET: 870x665x675
RB25DET: ???x???x???

I do not have any info on the gearbox size, but from pics it is easily noted that its roughly the same length as the engine.

3) would you suggest to scrap the Skyline idea and move to a cossie ?

This kit car will not be used on legal roads and only used for races such as Hillclimb.

4) Would it be best practice to design my own chassis to put in such engine+gearboox.


geoffreyh - 27/5/06 at 01:00 PM


It looks like you want to build a front engined AWD car.

I haven't seen a lot of AWD cars in this forum. I know one guy who is building a side engined AWD sportscar. You can have a looks at Dennis DP1 at

If you thought of using a locost7 chassis for your car it will be quite tricky. The steering rack and front suspension of a locost are almost completely in the front and I presume your engine is in front of the transmission. You will probably have to adapt the front of the chassis to be able to use the skyline engine.

I can be wrong but that's how I see it.



meany - 27/5/06 at 01:12 PM

ther is/was someone on here buliding 4wd 7 type, using the ford v6, he/she has pictures in the Photo Archive, but i cant rember who it is/was.

flak monkey - 27/5/06 at 01:16 PM

IIRC Liams building a 4wd 'locost'. Dax make a 4wd seven out of the factory.

Have fun fitting a skyline engine in a seven though... Good luck using all 350bhp in a car that weighs less than half what a skyine does...its not about how much power you have, its about whether you can trasfer it to the road

meany - 27/5/06 at 01:25 PM

thats the guy.

liam's photos

geoffreyh - 27/5/06 at 01:35 PM

Is there anyone who can tell me how the linkage to the front is done on Liams car?
It looks like it runs on the right side of the engine but from where?


Chippy - 27/5/06 at 03:53 PM

Assume you are talking about the drive shaft to the front dif. looks to me as though he has fitted the type 75 gearbox from the ford 4x4i, and if so the transfer box is on the right, (you can just make it out on the pic from above), he hasn't fitted the drive shaft yet. Hope that helps. atb Chippy

9000rpm - 27/5/06 at 04:26 PM

Gearbox including transfer case that off a Skyline Rescued attachment Drivetrain_01.jpg
Rescued attachment Drivetrain_01.jpg

9000rpm - 27/5/06 at 04:28 PM

Engine RB26DETT Rescued attachment Engine_03.jpg
Rescued attachment Engine_03.jpg

9000rpm - 27/5/06 at 04:31 PM

Originally posted by geoffreyh
I know one guy who is building a side engined AWD sportscar. You can have a looks at Dennis DP1 at

This looks promising