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Am I first?
Mikolaj - 7/1/04 at 05:58 PM

Am I first Locostbuilder from Poland in this place? Rescued attachment abr2.jpg
Rescued attachment abr2.jpg

JoelP - 7/1/04 at 06:01 PM

could well be i guess, theres a chap in russia apparently, and loads in oz and the US, havent heard of any poles though!

Metal Hippy - 7/1/04 at 06:04 PM

Conrod's been to Poland if that counts...?

bob - 7/1/04 at 07:03 PM

Conrod kid is our cultural attache

I did spell "cult" right didnt i

Well done mikolaj,best of luck with your build.

200mph - 7/1/04 at 07:18 PM

you look Polish.....if that helps?

Jonte - 7/1/04 at 07:26 PM

Couldnīt resist....

- Are you a polevaulter?
- No Iīm from germany, but how did you know my name is Walter!?!

Btw...Iīm from sweden

theconrodkid - 7/1/04 at 08:20 PM

czesc mikolaj,milo mi powitac cie na stronle naszego

chrisg - 7/1/04 at 09:29 PM

Aye, what Conrod said..........



Northy - 7/1/04 at 10:30 PM

I think he said: "Which way is it to the station?"

Peteff - 8/1/04 at 01:20 AM

Do you work for Securicor by any chance. The Estonia crew are the nearest to you I think. They use Lada donors and make some good cars with Fiat engines.

yours, Pete.

[Edited on 8/1/04 by Peteff]

Mikolaj - 7/7/04 at 10:21 PM

Do you remember me? I wasn't here long time. But now I'm back and I put some photos in my gallery.

(in january...) Conrod replied for my first post, he said:
"czesc mikolaj,milo mi powitac cie na
stronle naszego"

and chrisg asked:
what Conrod said..........

Northy said:
"I think he said: Which way is it to the station?"

Even I dont know what Conrod said:)

...I just kidding
He said something like:
"Hello Mikolaj. It's nice to meet you our...";) Rescued attachment PICT1739avatar.jpg
Rescued attachment PICT1739avatar.jpg

theconrodkid - 7/7/04 at 10:33 PM

welcome back, i cant remember either(blame my polish friend for the translation)

Peteff - 8/7/04 at 11:24 AM

I was doing a bit of shopping yesterday, nothing special just a few veg and stuff, and a young chap asked for directions to a local factory where he was due to start work. I detected immediately that he was not local and being of an inquisitive nature asked him where he was from. Guess where.... POLAND. Very pleasant, well mannered fellow. My brother in law works at the factory as I did many years ago. Roman Gobliewski I think this lads name is, I showed him the easiest way to get to the Worcester Bosch factory and I hope he likes it there in the assembly department.