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MikeFellows - 26/5/10 at 01:01 PM

A cat keeps decapitating birds and leaving them on my patio (3 so far) and its starting to looks like some sort of slaughter house out there.

I'm not sure if it does it to taunt the dog while we are out or it just doesn't like us.

I'm not the biggest fan of cats, but in the same recpect I dont want to do it any harm, just wish it would go elsewhere, any ideas?

MK9R - 26/5/10 at 01:08 PM

Isn't an owl model palced outside supposed to scare them off?? or have i dreamt that??

tegwin - 26/5/10 at 01:09 PM

Put down cat food laced with antifreze.. kill the little bugger good and proper!

55ant - 26/5/10 at 01:10 PM

loads of stuff out there to spend your money on, and even if you know whos it is you can ask them as nicely as you want they still cant ask the cat to stop. we have guinea pigs and had two cats keep coming round and trying to get in the cage, i found a cheap little waster pistol to give them a squirt with and havent seen them since. Im a big animal fan and im not out to hurt them, but its the only way to get them to go away and stay away.

afj - 26/5/10 at 01:11 PM

Thats what our cat does sometimes

MikeFellows - 26/5/10 at 01:15 PM

like I said I dont want to hurt them, they soon wee off when the dogs out, but its only happening when nobody is home.

I think the whole thing is quite funny, but im going to have to clean the patio this weekend now as its covered in blood and i have no clue as to what diseases birds carry.

ive no intention of spending any money on the problem, im sure there is something just as initiative thats free

[Edited on 26/5/10 by MikeFellows]

Benzine - 26/5/10 at 01:15 PM

Originally posted by tegwin
Put down cat food laced with antifreze.. kill the little bugger good and proper!

yeah giving a little cat kidney failure is exactly the first thing I thought of when I read the thread

Charlie_Zetec - 26/5/10 at 01:16 PM

big-vee-twin - 26/5/10 at 01:19 PM

Lion Poo from you local garden centre - house cats are Shxt scared of the real deal and when they smell it, dont come back.

Mind you a Patio covered in big cat crap my be worse than dead birds LOL

zilspeed - 26/5/10 at 01:28 PM

For some reason it's bringing you presents.
It must have some weird sort of respect for you.

They hate citrus smells.

Get some strong smelling citrus about the area where they are and they won't be inclined to come back.

Regarding the other comments above, well done...

Ours doesn't get out for the reasons mentioned there. I don't imagine our 8 year old daughter would be particularly happy if it were to be poisoned / trapped.

MikeFellows - 26/5/10 at 01:29 PM

Originally posted by big-vee-twin
Lion Poo from you local garden centre - house cats are Shxt scared of the real deal and when they smell it, dont come back.

Mind you a Patio covered in big cat crap my be worse than dead birds LOL

Do they really sell lion poo at garden centres?

eznfrank - 26/5/10 at 01:35 PM

We have got one of THESE, the links says it's £40 but I'm sure I only paid about £25 for ours. Very effective but it's not always obvious when the batteries have run out and when it's wet you can actually hear it and I don't think you're supposed to.

Edit - ooppss Sorry, missed the bit where you said you didn't want to spend money on it

[Edited on 26/5/10 by eznfrank]

UncleFista - 26/5/10 at 01:47 PM

You need a security light with PIR sensor, a length of hosepipe and the water solenoid from a washing machine.

Bodge them all together and you get a movement sensitive cat sprayer.

My brother had one to stop cats going down his cellar steps (external). It worked great, but we kept forgetting it was on and getting sprayed ourselves

BenB - 26/5/10 at 01:53 PM

You can get a spray from garden shops that seems to work quite well. Not sure what's in it but cat's done like it and that's all I need to know.

A1 - 26/5/10 at 01:57 PM

how did it get off your exhaust?

britishtrident - 26/5/10 at 02:00 PM

Birds ur lucky lad
My cat used to behead baby rabbits.

A fake snake - Cats are petrified of snakes ---- ours even used to take avoiding action if it saw a coiled up length of green hose.

swanny - 26/5/10 at 02:18 PM

on the patio is fine. i'm lumbered with a useless cat that catches stuff and never kills anything. hopefully if his mate is in we can encourage him to nick it and eat it in the garden. sometimes though his mate is out. just dicovered a dead, slightly chewed mouse he'd left under the cat bed. nearly got a boot up his arse.
am hoping the pair of them get a better offer of cuddles and tuna from some local old lady sharpish!

r1_pete - 26/5/10 at 02:28 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
Birds ur lucky lad
My cat used to behead baby rabbits.

A fake snake - Cats are petrified of snakes ---- ours even used to take avoiding action if it saw a coiled up length of green hose.

Ours has brought us 3 grass snakes, SWMBO is absolutely petrified of snakes and spent 4 hours sat in the car on the drive because he'd left a semi live one on the doorstep.
PMSL when I got home, but she was in a right state, then the cat sauntered in wondering what all the fuss is about....

wilkingj - 26/5/10 at 02:34 PM

Nah... You lot have got it ALL WRONG.

Take the cat into your confidence, and train it to kill Pidgeons.

Pidgeons are Vermin, so it will be doing eveyone a favour.

Plus when you get a few, you can have Pidgeon Pie... Yummy.

If the cat doesnt perform, have a Cat Curry, and it will taste just like a chicken curry from the local takeaway

coozer - 26/5/10 at 02:52 PM

Originally posted by r1_pete
Originally posted by britishtrident
Birds ur lucky lad
My cat used to behead baby rabbits.

A fake snake - Cats are petrified of snakes ---- ours even used to take avoiding action if it saw a coiled up length of green hose.

Ours has brought us 3 grass snakes, SWMBO is absolutely petrified of snakes and spent 4 hours sat in the car on the drive because he'd left a semi live one on the doorstep.
PMSL when I got home, but she was in a right state, then the cat sauntered in wondering what all the fuss is about....

tony-devon - 26/5/10 at 02:57 PM

I think the comment regarding poisoning it wasnt particularly funny

at least yours is only birds, I get half a rabbit LOL

only reason its half is that she managed to rip it in two while trying to pull it through the catflap LOL

years ago we had a problem with one of the cats wanting to go behind the telly or curtains and scent/spray, not very pleasant

I found that a strong solution of washing powder and water sprayed out in the area worked very well, as did surgical spirit in the places where the smell didnt matter too much

but as already said, its a gift

[Edited on 26/5/10 by tony-devon]

scootz - 26/5/10 at 03:06 PM

Are you sure it's a cat that's doing this and not the strange twins who live round the corner... you know, the ones with the large ears who don't speak much???

adithorp - 26/5/10 at 03:17 PM

Throw a few bits of orange peel down or a few cloves of garlick.


welderman - 26/5/10 at 03:31 PM

our cats used to bring home lots of animals, it's sign that they want to give you a gift for looking after them.
Best one was a live sparrow, wife hates birds, i had to go home and let it out the house, but could not get in as the wife had pushed the sofa up to the porch door so it would not get in the living room

perksy - 26/5/10 at 04:43 PM

Beleive it or not its bringing them to you as a present
Surprised its coming to you at all if you have a dog though

They aren't keen on Citrus smells (Orange etc) and also Vinegar is a smell they aren't keen on
Water pistol is another idea
The battery powered 'sonic' deterents also seem to work quite well

As for the comments relating to Antifreeze

Lars - 26/5/10 at 05:15 PM

Our boys are to soppy to catch live animals, we get pieces of grass and even leaves

But cannot believe people would suggest harming cats.

If the neighbourhood kids annoy me should I feed them poison too????

(And, no, the neighbourhood kids don't annoy me, and of course I would not do that)

MikeRJ - 26/5/10 at 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Lars
But cannot believe people would suggest harming cats.

Me either, especially the prolonged and agonising death that they would go through from kidney failure. Very much an unfunny thing to say.

StevieB - 26/5/10 at 05:35 PM

My cat once dropped a dead rabbit on my chest when I was sleeping, which turned out not to be dead but quite alive (albeit 3 legged).

As mentioned before, it's a sign of respect that they do it. If it's not your cat, chances are your patio is in the middle of it's territory and it feels safe (ie, away from other cats) there to bring it's prey back to in order to toy with it before ultimately killing it (my cat is a bit of the ferrel side of things and is actually quite evil - he'll toy with a rabbit for 20 minutes or so before killing and eating it).

tony-devon - 26/5/10 at 06:43 PM

glad it wasnt just me that wasnt impressed with the glycol comments

as someone that has had glycol poisoning, I can say its most unpleasant, cant imagine it being any different for a cat

my girl LOL is the queen of the local area, but shes twice the size of any of the local moggies and loves it

11kg and bigger than most small dogs LOL

Benzine - 26/5/10 at 07:17 PM

Originally posted by tony-devon

11kg and bigger than most small dogs LOL

awesome, big breed pedigree like a norwegian forest cat/maine coon/ragdoll or just a big moggie? When I worked at Whiskas there was a 10kg cat and he was huge!

oldtimer - 26/5/10 at 07:24 PM

Yep, the cat is looking up to you as an alpha cat. Respect! Gary, our cat, usually brings them in whole and live in his mouth and hands them over. Mind you, he does like playing 'fetch' too.

flak monkey - 26/5/10 at 07:26 PM

The most simple way of keeping them out is just to spread orange or lemon peel around your boarders, they wont come in then. They hate the stuff.

Why is it everytime there is a cat related thread someone has to suggest harming them?

westf27 - 26/5/10 at 07:27 PM

Originally posted by zilspeed
For some reason it's bringing you presents.
It must have some weird sort of respect for you.

They hate citrus smells.

Get some strong smelling citrus about the area where they are and they won't be inclined to come back.

Regarding the other comments above, well done...

Ours doesn't get out for the reasons mentioned there. I don't imagine our 8 year old daughter would be particularly happy if it were to be poisoned / trapped.

second that

Tipster69 - 26/5/10 at 07:35 PM

There's your solution then. Get yourself a Lion, feed it nothing but Lemons, and let it sh*t all over your patio.


[Edited on 26/5/10 by Tipster69]

McLannahan - 26/5/10 at 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Tipster69
There's your solution then. Get yourself a Lion, feed it nothing but Lemons, and let it sh*t all over your patio.


[Edited on 26/5/10 by Tipster69]

scootz - 26/5/10 at 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Tipster69
There's your solution then. Get yourself a Lion, feed it nothing but Lemons, and let it sh*t all over your patio.

I like your logic!

mangogrooveworkshop - 26/5/10 at 07:55 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
The most simple way of keeping them out is just to spread orange or lemon peel around your boarders, they wont come in then. They hate the stuff.

Why is it everytime there is a cat related thread someone has to suggest harming them?



flak monkey - 26/5/10 at 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Tipster69
There's your solution then. Get yourself a Lion, feed it nothing but Lemons, and let it sh*t all over your patio.


Brilliantly logical - love it!

UncleFista - 26/5/10 at 08:29 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
Why is it everytime there is a cat related thread someone has to suggest harming them?

IMHO it's because they wander all over private property crapping as and when they want, a fairly large number of children are permanantly blinded every year due to the disease cat crap carries.
In my view, this risk alone should be enough for a country-wide cull

Owners have no legal responsibility to stop their precious flea-bags doing this, so people like me who don't like cats and don't own one, get the bad bits and none of the good and also run the gauntlet of having their kids catch diseases, or if your lucky you only have to deal with cat faeces smeared on them or their clothing.

Surely if an none-endangered animal is coming onto your property and the owner doesn't do anything about it they should be fair game ?

* All the above is typed in jest, well, the bits where I think you should be able to kill cats willy-nilly anyway

[Edited on 26/5/10 by UncleFista]

zilspeed - 26/5/10 at 08:41 PM

Originally posted by UncleFista
Originally posted by flak monkey
Why is it everytime there is a cat related thread someone has to suggest harming them?

IMHO it's because they wander all over private property crapping as and when they want, a fairly large number of children are permanantly blinded every year due to the disease cat crap carries.
In my view, this risk alone should be enough for a country-wide cull

Owners have no legal responsibility to stop their precious flea-bags doing this, so people like me who don't like cats and don't own one, get the bad bits and none of the good and also run the gauntlet of having their kids catch diseases, or if your lucky you only have to deal with cat faeces smeared on them or their clothing.

Surely if an none-endangered animal is coming onto your property and the owner doesn't do anything about it they should be fair game ?

* All the above is typed in jest, well, the bits where I think you should be able to kill cats willy-nilly anyway

[Edited on 26/5/10 by UncleFista]

There's that side of the argument too and it's not lost on me at least.

Another reason why ours doesn't get out.
They don't need to kill birds or crap in the neighbours gardens to get by and ours doesn't.

55ant - 26/5/10 at 08:56 PM

the internet is full of answers for this issue. I like it when people suggest talking to the owner of the cat, i can imagine the conversation between the owner and the cat

'look, just dont do it, they are really mad this time, i know i know.'


[Edited on 26/5/10 by 55ant]

StevieB - 26/5/10 at 08:59 PM

You do tend to find that cats crap in descrete places and bury it as well.

In the same vein, I would like to cull dogs AND their owners who allow them to crap on pavements and do bugger all about it. It doesn't bother me so much out in the countryside (where cow and sheep crap is preminent anyway). But it's things like today when I saw a big pile of dog crap in the middle of the beautiful streets of york that at least poor sod had found with their feet and dragged down the street - should be hung from the bar walls for that sort of thing!

ashg - 26/5/10 at 09:00 PM

3rd simple solution of the week. get a dog flap. bet the cat dont come back

my jack russell sits in the garden waiting for cats and other creatures all day. its quite an event when one is brave enough to venture in.

Volvorsport - 26/5/10 at 09:13 PM

hmmm , next doors cats like scampering onmy dads 940 with new paintwork with their claws out

they wait for people to come home in the street , then jump on warm bonnets , sometimes wish theyd run under em .

i havent been close enough with the cold water yet , i almost got close out of our upstairs window with a mr potato head when one was laying a turd next to our lads bike .

still, it makes me laff , i dont want to hurt them just wish they wouldnt do what they do .

turbodisplay - 26/5/10 at 09:28 PM

I try to encourage my cats to deficate on my property rather than anyone elses garden. I have put an area of small stones by a tree which they do use, as well as our flower bed.
How many kids actually get blinded by cat feaces? bet it is a small fraction of what is caused by dog owners. As mentioned they burry them to prevent animals from tracking them.
When I walked an uncles dog I cleaned up after them - even though I very much disliked the undiciplined thing!

FFTS - 26/5/10 at 09:29 PM

Originally posted by tegwin
Put down cat food laced with antifreze.. kill the little bugger good and proper!

If not successful at least it will never catch another cold for the rest of its life

FFTS - 26/5/10 at 09:40 PM

Haha... Joe (welderman) and Tom (tommy P) just had to show up hey!!

FFTS - 26/5/10 at 09:42 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
Throw a few bits of orange peel down or a few cloves of garlick.


So its a vampire cat now hey!! try a wooden steak.

Wheels244 - 26/5/10 at 09:46 PM

Try JAYS Fluid in a container with an upturned saucer on top to allow the fumes out.
It has to be JAYS though, no cheap alternative ( no I don't work for them ).

I would never hurt a cat, but I'm sick of our neighbours moggies using our garden as a bog!
They don't bury it deep - and it stinks

I bought a RC tank that fires plastic BB pellets - I've sat for ages trying shoot the buggers - come close a few times but not hit one yet - the BB's would scare more than hurt - but good fun all the same.

One of the killers pounced on blackbird in our garden - I let my dogs out and the hunter became the hunted - and the birdy flew away.

I actually quite like cats and used to have some - I just don't want them crapping in my garden.

craig1410 - 26/5/10 at 10:18 PM

Originally posted by UncleFista
IMHO it's because they wander all over private property crapping as and when they want, a fairly large number of children are permanantly blinded every year due to the disease cat crap carries.

Actually dogs and foxes are the primary carrier of the disease you are probably referring to and they don't have the good grace to bury their crap like cats do.

See here for details:

Most cat owners will give their cats worming tablets regularly and all the various immunisations to keep the cats healthy and remove any chance of them passing on any diseases.

As for being fleabags, again a regular application of frontline or some other flea treatment will solve that problem. I can't remember the last time I saw a single flea on any of our three cats which is good news because they spend much of their day sleeping on my bed...

We love cats and I have always had cats in the house both as a child and an adult. How could anyone harm something as cute as this?

Sleepy Cat
Sleepy Cat

blakep82 - 26/5/10 at 10:33 PM

aww ^ i love my cats, i cried for days (even at 22...) when twizzle got killed by that horrible greyhound up the road. the owner of the dog couldn't have cared less either

some horrible nasty comments on here

[Edited on 26/5/10 by blakep82]

swanny - 27/5/10 at 08:25 AM

those stickers on dog bins are a good example of our fear society.

the link to the NHS leaflet is pretty instructive.

10 people a year get it, and thanks to modern medicine the chances of one of those 10 going blind are described as
"a very rare complication" and from what i can see would be most likely if left untreated.

lots of other odd stuff looks more likely my comparison.

tony-devon - 27/5/10 at 08:34 AM

Originally posted by Benzine
Originally posted by tony-devon

11kg and bigger than most small dogs LOL

awesome, big breed pedigree like a norwegian forest cat/maine coon/ragdoll or just a big moggie? When I worked at Whiskas there was a 10kg cat and he was huge!

yup, maine coones both of them females, had a forest cat but it was very odd around my daughter and I had to let someone else have him

welderman - 27/5/10 at 08:48 AM

havent got a cat any more, one of my girls has an allergy to fury amimals, but we got her a rabbit ! lol, but he stays outside full time.
Miss the cats though had to have them adopted

this is dennis the gay cat !
dennis the gay cat
dennis the gay cat

Ninehigh - 27/5/10 at 09:11 AM

I've heard that cat allergies it's usually the protien in their saliva that you're allergic to and you can get a treatment for it (not sure if it's you or the cat though!)

I'm surprised no-one's suggested that he wees around his garden to mark his territory