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Have I broken my speedo sender?
scoobyis2cool - 28/9/04 at 01:43 PM

I've got the speedo sender below, it takes a signal from magnets on the propshaft. I was just adjusting the spacing between the sensor and the magnets and made it too close and it hit the magnets several times while the propshaft was turning. now i don't seem to be able to get a signal from it

What's the best way to check if i've broken it? I used a multimeter across the terminals and when I passed a magnet past the sensor the multimeter didn't budge, does this mean i've broken it?



David Jenkins - 28/9/04 at 02:01 PM


It's a reed switch inside, where the magnetic field pulls 2 contacts together.

Give Greengauges a ring - I'm sure they'll send you one in the post ASAP if you ask nicely (I found them to be very helpful when I had a problem)



scoobyis2cool - 28/9/04 at 02:52 PM

Helps if I attach the photo...

Pete Rescued attachment speedosender.jpg
Rescued attachment speedosender.jpg

David Jenkins - 28/9/04 at 04:52 PM

Oh... forget what I said earlier!

That looks like a hall-effect sensor, unless I'm mistaken. If it is, you may only get an output when there's voltage applied.

If it is a reed switch, then what I said before still goes!

I still suggest that you give Caerbont a ring...


Northy - 28/9/04 at 05:30 PM

Yes, its a reed switch version. Did you get your guages from

Does your multimeter have a continuity check (beep function)? If it does set it on this.

As you move a magnet near it it should beep, if not it f**ked. I suspect it is, Pat (Avoneer) did the same to his the night before his SVA! I changed it for him (actually fitted mine which I had taken off my car) in the carpark at the SVA centre!

I also broke mine by overtightening it. I get a replacement fro RS or Farnell, its exactly the same (part no and everything) and is cheaper. I'll dig out the invoice if you want the code number.


scoobyis2cool - 28/9/04 at 05:37 PM

Yeah I've checked it with the continuity function on my multimeter and can confirm it is nicely knackered

The part number/code would be really useful, I don' particularly fancy forking out £30 to Europa Spares for a new one. I did phone CAI today but just missed their office hours, turns out they go home at 4, I expected it to be 5.
