Well, after a week of designing the wiring diagram and putting soldering iron, crimping tools and snips to work, I've finally got some semblence
of a wiring loom. Not fully finished, but it all works, just got the ignition to sort and the radiator once fitted.
Lights On
Rear Lights
Ignition On
Quite a nice feeling when everything worked as I wanted, feeling quite chuffed
Now to get it all wrapped and move on to the engine cooling system, gotta get this baby running
that is always a great feeling, and knowing that you did it, makes it all the better still!
well done
Not that hard is it. Better than spending lots of cash on an of the shelf loom.
good work you just need to shorten the gear stick now
Thanks ash! I really needed reminding of another job I had forgotten (well not realy)
< you need to change your status to 'loom completed onto shortening gear stick'