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Windscreen Glass
907 - 29/7/09 at 08:31 PM

Hi All

Does anyone know anywhere in East Anglia that will cut windscreen glass?

Pre IVA, so it will need to be marked.

Paul G

rusty nuts - 29/7/09 at 08:39 PM

Have a look in yellow pages for plant glazers in the windscreen section. SilverShield have a branch in Haverhill , might be worth a call

David Jenkins - 29/7/09 at 08:43 PM


Please let me know if you find anywhere...

Neville Jones - 30/7/09 at 10:53 AM

Most Autoglass windscreen depots can do it. My local does, he cuts for tractors and earthmovers.

Another you could try is Solaglass, glass suppliers.


Numb nuts - 30/7/09 at 07:13 PM

Is it laminate or toughened? Let me know and I will talk to my brother, he is into glass it's his business. He has the kit to cut any glass.

Oh and he is in Norwich Steve

907 - 30/7/09 at 09:42 PM

Hi All,

Thanks for the replies chaps, and for the offer Steve.

I've made a few phone calls and the general feeling is, unmarked, no problem.

E marked for screens seems to be another story. One chap said IF he could get it he would have to
buy an 8' X 4' and once he had cut the marked end off the rest of the sheet would be useless.

One firm however did have a plan.

They offered to cut down a Land Rover screen to my template.

I will phone them back in the morning as I have U2U'd David to see what his plans are. (see previous post)

It seemed an OK price too.
If this works out (and with the blokes permission) I'll post details on this thread.
It might be handy info for others.

Cheers for now
Paul G

907 - 2/8/09 at 01:53 PM

Mmmm. It looks big.

When I sit in the car and look straight ahead I'm looking 100mm below the top of the frame.
If I make it much smaller I'll be looking at the frame.

I'm not 100% happy with it, but any smaller and I will defeat the object of having a screen.

O well, off to the glass cutters I go.
Perhaps with glass in it will look a little smaller. Optical illusion and all that.

Paul G Rescued attachment windscreen-blank-s.jpg
Rescued attachment windscreen-blank-s.jpg

907 - 6/8/09 at 04:40 PM

Picked up the glass today from Dunstable Glass Co.

Nice people. A pleasure to deal with.

Cut from a brand new Land Rover 90 screen. E marked etc.

I payed £109.25 with the VAT. (didn't think that was a bad price)

Just got to fit it in the frame now.

Paul G

[Edited on 7/8/09 by 907]