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stolen from the other side
theconrodkid - 28/7/08 at 12:15 PM,%20but%20had%20to%20but%20this%20on.............On a flight from London to Sydney, there was a terrible explosion, and all of the crew, and all but 2 passengers were killed.
The 2 passengers washed up on a deserted island, one man and one woman.The man was suprised to see that the woman was none other than kylie minogue.
After a few days had passed, they eventually made themselves a shelter, and had found some fruit to enable them to eat. Days turned into months, and by this stage the shelter had been replaced by a large log cabin. Pigs found on the island had been herded into pens, vegetables found had been re-planted, and life was going well for them.
As you would hope (in the interests of this going somewhere) nature eventually took its twisted path, and the couple fell in love. Morning, noon and night, they were at it. Like rabbits. When they weren't cooking or building, they were at it. On the beach, in the cabin, in the woods, it made no difference. They were alone, and in love.
One day, they sat on the beach near the fire, chatting about life generally, and what theirs had become. She noticed that he didnt have his usual happy demeanour.

Whats wrong my love, you dont look too happy today?

Oh, its nothing.

No, you must tell me. Whats wrong? Is it us?

No, no. Its all OK.

Are you sure?

Well, to be honest, it just feels like there is something missing. It has been for a while, and im not sure how i can get round it.

Whatever is it. Can i help? You know i would do anything for you my love.



Well. I dont want you to think im strange, but...........

Honestly, i will do anyhting, i dont mind at all.

OK. Well, would you take off your blouse, and your skirt for me?

Of course.

Great. And would you put my trousers and my shirt on.

Er, yes

Great. And my tie. And my shoes. And my sunglasses. And my hat.

Erm. Yes, there we go.

Superb. Now, could i just paint a false beard on you with this ash out of the fire.

I guess so. But now i look just like a man.

Yes. You do.

Right then. What now?

Biggest one of all. Would you mind walking around the island for me in a clockwise direction?

Of course not my love, it will take no more than an hour.

Great. See you later.

Off she goes, puzzled but happy.

The man then sets off himself, anti-clockwise.

After 20 minutes, he sees something on the beach. He strains his eyes to see what it is...........

Struggling to see through the haze, he spots a what looks like a lone man, walking towards him..........

He shouts to him at the top of his voice............

He begins to run towards the figure, faster and faster and faster...............

Eventually, they meet....

He is totally exhausted from the running..........

He leans on the mans shoulders, and between gulps of air says.............

Hello mate. You'll never guess who im sha*ging.

[Edited on 28/7/08 by theconrodkid]

Peteff - 28/7/08 at 01:19 PM
