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three people were trampled to death.
thunderace - 17/11/07 at 07:40 PM

things are gettin bad out there

Simon - 21/11/07 at 12:05 AM

Unfortuately this is down to the governments of the world, there is plenty of arable land to feed everyone with loads left over - and I'm one of those who thinks stricter population controls are needed in every country of the world (global increase of 1,000,000 every four days!).

Governments like to come up with quotas (and laying surplus land to rest and making the rest of us pay for it)and with daft ideas of making fuel from crops some of that spare capacity will be lost from the food chain, though people will be able to drive to the foodless shops.



smart51 - 21/11/07 at 08:28 AM

Actually, in China, they already have population control and have had for decades. Despite only having one child per couple in most cases, the population in China is growing due to the increases in life expectancy - people are being born faster than they are dieing.

02GF74 - 21/11/07 at 10:35 AM

and this makes sense too