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Are you _sure_ it's not April 1st?
David Jenkins - 3/10/07 at 09:50 AM


Doesn't anyone realise that new-product buyers pay a high premium, and Apple products carry the highest premium of all?

smart51 - 3/10/07 at 10:34 AM

People like that kust need a slap. Perhaps US courts should issue slaps to people who bring cases like that. Muppet.

Paul TigerB6 - 3/10/07 at 11:29 AM

How on earth do these idiots come up with the $1m figure for their damages??

Hang on - i had a dodgy pint last night - can I sue the pub for £1m for the emotional stress caused to me??? - i'll never drink again after last night........ i'll never work again.......... I'll need councilling to have any sort of quality of life.... its gonna cost that landlord everything........

02GF74 - 3/10/07 at 11:36 AM

sometimes you have to wonder if USA is the place for idiots.

Noone forced her to buy that phone If the price went down or up, then toughj titties.

Apple issued an apology the next day. Under its return policy, Apple refunded the $200 difference for those who bought the phone within 14 days of the reduction. And in a move to make peace with those who purchased the higher-priced phone before that period, the company offered a $100 credit at Apple stores.

Apple, what a bunch of losers, Steve Jobs should have told her to f*** off. They can charge whatever they want, if you don't like the price then don't it and if you do buy, then don;t compain if the price changes.

David Jenkins - 3/10/07 at 11:54 AM

The US doesn't have a monopoly on idiots - it's just that the enormous population means that there are more available at any time!

If this case ever got into a UK court (and I doubt that it would) and the phone owner won the case (even more unlikely) then all she would get would be the value of the phone. The trivial nature of the case would probably mean that she would have to pay her own costs.

joneh - 3/10/07 at 05:26 PM

I dunno about America not having a monopoly on idiots. Look at their leader. Only two weeks ago he declared that Saddam Hussain had killed Nelson Mandela and his family!


"Follow the leader"

[Edited on 3/10/07 by joneh]

thebull - 6/10/07 at 09:24 AM

the worlds gone mad

rusty nuts - 6/10/07 at 10:43 AM

Do you think I could sue because I couldn't build my car for £250.00?