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A real butttock clencher in more ways than one....
pewe - 15/12/14 at 12:39 PM

Enjoy - bet it has you clenching and holding your breath as well.....
Breath in, clench and hold....

Cheers, Pewe10

rdodger - 15/12/14 at 03:29 PM

Now done properly

[Edited on 15/12/14 by rdodger]

David Jenkins - 15/12/14 at 04:24 PM

I saw the Red Arrows live many years ago, at the Essex Showground. Wife and I were away from the main arena and didn't know that they were soon to arrive - the first things we saw were 9 landing lights suddenly appearing over a nearby tree-line. We were half-way between the main road and the arena, which turned out to be their chosen flight-line for the singletons. When they did their cross-over it was almost over our head - they were LOW and VERY CLOSE! Super-impressive.

As for the comparison between the Red Arrows and the Blue Angels - they're all astonishingly good pilots, so I wouldn't like to choose: they're all very impressive. The same goes for the other national squads, like the Italians and the Swiss. The only down-side to the Blue Angels is that all look like they've stepped out of Thunderbirds in their uniforms!

coozer - 15/12/14 at 08:19 PM

Me n our lass were at Teeside airport many years ago going to Tenerife. The Sunderland airshow were on and the RAF f16 team were based at Teeside..

Boy, what a show! The F16 pilot taxied right to the end of the runway, set off and within about 10 feet was going straight up in the air! Off for the display. A bit later he came back and buzzed the the building with a very fast fly past. Stunk the place out with his fuel and did a big loop with a sonic boom on the way down..

The red arrows came in to land in close formation and buzzed the runway at eye level to not actually land but do a nice loop and come in nose to tail one after the other..

It was a shame to get off on our flight cause as we waited to go a Hercules came in to land as well!

The ground show was way better than any of the air shows I've been too!