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Tech job in UK/Ireland
bbosstjan - 22/6/09 at 10:43 AM

Hello Fellow locosters

This is my first post, but unfortunately not related to building a car - which is my dream (was currently deciding between the Haynes roadster and Midlana before this happened). I have been following the locost and DIY community (instructables, make blog) for several years now. I am still very impressed by the level of commitment and dedication of the users on this site - you all seem to be really top blokes.
My problem is the following. I just found out today, that what I thought was the love of my life is cheating on me. I wont go into the very boring and trivial details - the bottom line is I want to go... far. I would need a visa for Australia or Canada, which were my first choices, so only being confident enough with my English skills I am thinking of UK/Ireland next. I know there is a recession going on, so I would appreciate any info on geographical areas that are still doing well.
I have a diploma/degree in Physics and 5 years of work experience as a scientific measurement technician. I would prefer working in R&D, some experimenting, manufacturing, some programming, but not hard core all the time programming. This is my long(er) term goal, first I would just take any job that pays - I am not afraid to work hard and get dirty.

Thanks for any info - you lot have great cars - take care of them.

sickbag - 22/6/09 at 12:22 PM

If you want a job then my advice would be to search the online job sites. You'll have more luck on them than you will on here.

I need a cleaner, as my last one got pregnant and can't (won't?) work anymore, so if you're good at that. . . .

bbosstjan - 23/6/09 at 04:23 AM

Hi, thanks for answering.

I live in Slovenia. I just wanted to ask in which areas there are tech. companies - (probably not in London - banking).
OK I agree it is a strange topic, sorry - admin can delete.

MikeR - 23/6/09 at 06:44 AM

No need to delete, its just a very strange first post .... then again we seem to be able to answer anything and everything on here so.....

As before - try the jobs web sites. if you google "job uk agency" and "recruitment uk" you should get something.

Good luck with the hunt for a new job / new life. Just be careful you're not making too big a change all at once.

carpmart - 23/6/09 at 12:39 PM

Ljubljana is a very nice city, do you live near there?

bbosstjan - 24/6/09 at 09:39 AM

I live in Kranj, which is about 20 miles north of Ljubljana, where I work.

andyharding - 24/6/09 at 09:56 AM

Bracknell is the Silicone Valley of the UK. That's where I'd start looking if I wanted a tech job...

Mr Whippy - 24/6/09 at 10:05 AM

Given your background, you could try the electrical contractor industry as we have plenty off new windfarm projects on the go and obviously lots of electrical cable and such stuff being installed. Most of it down near the English channel and the Irish sea. The company I work for lays offshore cable for these sites.

Vindi_andy - 24/6/09 at 10:22 AM

Solar would be worth looking into too this is a growth industry in the UK even tho people don't think we have a lot

I work in the industrial control industry for a very large multinational company unfortunately we have a recruitment freeze on otherwise I would suggest contacting our process control division given you qualifications.

bbosstjan - 24/6/09 at 12:36 PM

Thanks very much guys. @andyharding: Bracknell looks like the area I was looking for. I know it is hard to get a job in these times, but courage counts. Thanks Vindi_andy and Mr Whippy - top blokes.

eznfrank - 27/6/09 at 05:57 AM

On a slightly different angle...if you only found out today that she's cheating then tomorrow, next week, next month etc I'm sure you'll feel entirely different about it. Fair enough you might not want to get back with her but to leave the country you live in all because of a girl???????

bbosstjan - 29/6/09 at 05:34 AM

I know it seems a bit extreme, but I really need a change of environment. I cooled down a bit, so for starters I will just try to get as much unpayed leave from work as possible and backpack around UK/Ireland, randomly looking for a job (something basic, low level - construction...), and see how I feel after a while. Thanks for your answers.