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Brown "very angry" about bank bonuses...
pewe - 9/2/09 at 01:03 PM

Oh that's re-assuring then.
Whilst the rest of us are facing a gloomy and uncertain future the to**ers who got us into this mess are legally entitled to their snouts-in-the-trough bonuses and Gordon is "very angry".
It's enough to turn you Socialist - but wait a minute....
Apoplectic, Pewe

iank - 9/2/09 at 02:00 PM

So angry he's picked a city insider to investigate and produce recommendations at the end of the year, safely after all the bonuses are paid and we've all forgotten.

A cynic might wonder if he's lined up lots of generously paid "consultancy"/executive director jobs with huge bonuses in the city when his current gig is up.

David Jenkins - 9/2/09 at 02:59 PM

He very conveniently ignores that fact that most of those bonuses will go to the general workers in the banks - the clerks and back office staff - who had nothing to do with the mis-running of the business. They get low pay, and their annual bonus is just a few hundred quid that helps to pay their way in life.

Certainly the big boys may be given vast bonuses - but there's very few of them compared to the minions. Also, a lot of the big boys have their bonuses written into their contract so the company will get their collective ass sued off if they don't pay them (more fool them for setting them up in the first place, of course).

martyn_16v - 9/2/09 at 08:53 PM

Seems a bit late to be asking what they're doing with all the money we've pumped into the system?

As much as I have sympathy for all the counter staff, any other company that had such a wee poor performance for the year and had effectively gone into administration wouldn't be paying out bonuses to anyone, directors, cleaners you name it. A job with no bonus is better than no job...

02GF74 - 10/2/09 at 01:55 PM

whilst it may leave sour grapes in ones mouth, if the contract stipulated a bonus would be paid under certain conditions, and presumably those conditions were met even though the financial system went tits up, they should still be paid.

... but anywasy, the big 4 at RBS said sorry so that is ok then.

Ninehigh - 3/3/09 at 07:25 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
He very conveniently ignores that fact that most of those bonuses will go to the general workers in the banks - the clerks and back office staff - who had nothing to do with the mis-running of the business. They get low pay, and their annual bonus is just a few hundred quid that helps to pay their way in life.

Conveniently forgot all right, if he said they were paying bonuses to the workers I'm fine with that. It's like the Government are winding us up on purpose! Maybe the point of Labour has been to see just how much poo they have to put us through before we start a revolution