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RHT Transit Drag Link End
saigonij - 25/2/08 at 08:44 AM

I have an issue where i have two different makes of Transit Drag Link ends on my Velocity. They were both from the same supplier and both in the same box, however, one drag link end has thread all the way to the ball joint, the others thread stops 1cm before the ball joint.

this is causing camber issues and giving too much positive camber on one side ( the side with too little thread ).

Has anyone got a RHT Transit Drag Link end with thread all the way to the ball joint?

Mr Whippy - 25/2/08 at 08:54 AM

I've never seen one with that much thread, your not trying to put a nut on the outside are you? as it's only one on the inside that's required.

[Edited on 25/2/08 by Mr Whippy]

saigonij - 25/2/08 at 09:13 AM

yea, i have the lock nut on the out side - i thought thats where they went as all the pictures and even the build manual said to have it that way...

am i doing that wrong then?

Mr Whippy - 25/2/08 at 09:24 AM

I had exactly the same query with the front wishbones on my indi; these had a threaded tube which the ball joint screwed into. I'm not sure if yours will be the same but if it is then one locknut on the inside is all that is needed. I also could not fit one on the outside without weird camber issues.

bob - 25/2/08 at 09:53 AM

Lock nut on the inside on mine and just about everyone elses.

If you need a drag link i have a new one here,just give me a shout. Rescued attachment transit drag link0951.JPG
Rescued attachment transit drag link0951.JPG

saigonij - 25/2/08 at 10:49 AM

thats weird.. its on the outside for all the Luegos i have seen...

well, ill give it a try.

thanks for your help once against guys.

Mr Whippy - 25/2/08 at 11:07 AM

maybe they all have funny camber

indykid - 25/2/08 at 12:07 PM

i'm slightly confused as to what's classed as inside and outside. however, both my indys have had the locknut between the balljoint and the wishbone.

neither have had camber issues and i'm not entirely sure any thread even shows through the wishbone on mine.


bob - 25/2/08 at 12:30 PM

Not inside the wishbone but inbetween the wishbone and balljoint, i've never seen lock nuts the other side. Rescued attachment MK Indy build pics 154.jpg
Rescued attachment MK Indy build pics 154.jpg

Mr Whippy - 25/2/08 at 01:20 PM

I see from the pic that the bottom wishbone is about 2in longer than the early MK ones hence the nut being able to go on the outside. Before there was no way you could do it.

bob - 25/2/08 at 01:50 PM

Chassis and bones were 2001 so not sure if any changes were made, maybe other bones you may have seen might have been MK locost chassis.

I might be wrong but i am pretty sure the indy hit the scene in 2000.

[Edited on 25/2/08 by bob]

Mr Whippy - 25/2/08 at 04:23 PM

My orignal wish bones were the ones for the first indi kits and were made of round tube, later the went for the flatter section and I suspect they were also trying to increase the track of the car.