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Weather Cover !! Where From ??
DeanF - 9/8/07 at 10:08 AM

My Locost has no weather cover or wet gear at all, I want something to put over the cabin area, To keep the inside dry whilst it is parked up (Just incase i get caught out)
Where is the best place to get one ?
Or should i make my own & if so what is the best material ??

neilj37 - 9/8/07 at 10:28 AM

You could try softbitsforsevens

shortie - 9/8/07 at 10:31 AM

Soft bits for sevens are superb (see my archive) but to be quite honest they are a bit far from you and I reckon it's best to get a cover made to measure.


DeanF - 9/8/07 at 11:16 AM

I'll give them a whirl, As they say they have most patterns variations in stock.


BenB - 9/8/07 at 11:31 AM

They sure do and their covers are very nice.
Otherwise (without wanting to sound silly) why not go the Locost route and make one.
You can get suitable sewing machines on Ebay for next to no money and the material is cheap as chips....
Certain attraction towards doing the DIY approach as well....

Surrey Dave - 9/8/07 at 12:26 PM

Rescued attachment hood3sml.jpg
Rescued attachment hood3sml.jpg

JAG - 9/8/07 at 01:36 PM

I have a silver plastic cover which came from Argos for a ridiculous price - about £2.99 if I remember correctly

Just be careful fitting it with a hot exhaust


DeanF - 9/8/07 at 03:55 PM

Originally posted by JAG
I have a silver plastic cover which came from Argos for a ridiculous price - about £2.99 if I remember correctly

Just be careful fitting it with a hot exhaust
Thats The Ticket.

I take it those ends are bungeed ??


JAG - 10/8/07 at 12:03 PM

Yep, the cover comes with elasticated cord and plastic hooks at each corner.

I tied a knot in the plastic in a couple of places to make it a better fit.

zetec - 19/8/07 at 09:13 PM

Few hours and some cheap Ebay vinyl...£10-£20 depending on what type of fasteners you opt for. Rescued attachment DSCF0142.JPG
Rescued attachment DSCF0142.JPG

DeanF - 21/8/07 at 10:29 AM

Thats pretty damn good, Did you stitch/machine it all yourself ??.
Now then that is the exact same config/layout for mine
How much profit do you want to make ??

[Edited on 21/8/07 by DeanF] Rescued attachment 214388-3.jpg
Rescued attachment 214388-3.jpg

zetec - 21/8/07 at 08:06 PM

Yep, normal domestic sewing machine no probs. Half the battle is getting a good fit so lots of measuring and trying. Start at the screen end and get that to fit with your fasteners, then get the sides to fit and then do the tricky rear arch section. I could never do this for a living as it would take me too long...Have a go yourself, the material is cheap so making a mistake is not the end of the world. Make a good paper pattern first, I used a roll of thick wallpaper lining I had sitting about.

Good luck..

DeanF - 22/8/07 at 08:04 AM

Thanks for the reply.
I just noticed your Modified Nose .

Is your Modified nose cone to accomodate the Tall front/Timing cover of the zetec engine ?? I have been wondering what i could do with mine as it does rub & is forcing the nose cone up slightly in that postion.

Originally posted by zetec
Yep, normal domestic sewing machine no probs. Half the battle is getting a good fit so lots of measuring and trying. Start at the screen end and get that to fit with your fasteners, then get the sides to fit and then do the tricky rear arch section. I could never do this for a living as it would take me too long...Have a go yourself, the material is cheap so making a mistake is not the end of the world. Make a good paper pattern first, I used a roll of thick wallpaper lining I had sitting about.

Good luck..

zetec - 22/8/07 at 01:51 PM

My engine sits below the nose by about 1" and is behind the rear of the nose by about the same.

The nose was done because a had a second nose cone with a star crack in the gell coat...and I was looking for something to do.

Also, I do so wish I could have a Cateringvan I thought I would copy theirs .

autotrader - 6/9/07 at 04:51 PM


sorry missread sone thing

[Edited on 6/9/07 by autotrader]

milson - 10/9/07 at 06:18 PM

just made a tonneau for mine Rescued attachment P1010024 540x404.JPG
Rescued attachment P1010024 540x404.JPG

milson - 10/9/07 at 06:21 PM

also made some side screens which stop alot of wind will give them a full test up to donni Rescued attachment P1010018 540x404.JPG
Rescued attachment P1010018 540x404.JPG