Hey Up,
I've often seen the wheel offset for the Sierra quoted as being ET38 or thereabouts, The question is:-
Is that Positive or Negative?
And is positive where the centre of the wheel is further out than the mounting face or vice versa?
Thank you so much
Virtually all cars have positive offset, Sierra is 35/38 from memory.
This link should explain the difference between negative and positive.
It has been quoted on here that Sierra offset is 35 - 38mm and if it is outside the wheel centre it is positive, inside of the wheel centre it is negative.
Thanks chaps - that's clear then, positive offset!
sorry who wrote the new book arghghghghghgh
Apparently, there's a really good new book that has just come out, perhaps the information is in there !
The offset isn't going to change, wether I know if the offset is positive or negative is it you picky buggers!?!
I have et 49.5 (from mondeo 1995) and wheel is just right in the rear wheel arch, if I put et35 wheel goes out of the arch or goes more inside?
P.s: Chrisg I am waitig for your book, (estimated next week) but now I am not so impatience.
Rescued attachment offset.jpg
Thankyou Mark.