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Seat belt anchorage compliance
Slimy38 - 13/2/25 at 08:21 AM

On my travels through the interweb I found a registration article talking about this; publications/iva-declaration-form-for-seat-belt-anchorage-compliance-iva-19a-and-19b

Comparing it to the IVA manual section 19 I believe that this is where it comes into play;


1. Evidence of type approval
2. Documentary evidence of testing to the Directive standard
3. Comparison with a type approved vehicle
4. Visual assessment

However for an average Locost we're looking at option 4 and therefore the declaration form is not required. Is that correct, does this form have any relevance to a home build car?

40inches - 13/2/25 at 09:24 AM

Just visual, they use a tool to check top mounting height as per manual