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Stafford Luego Velocity Photos
Big Nige - 13/3/03 at 07:27 PM

Does anyone have any photos they could publish from Stafford '03 of the Luego Velocity. Couldn't make the show (busy getting the chassis rolling) and want to see the finished article.

Findlay234 - 13/3/03 at 10:08 PM

noodle has some on his photo section and ill get a couple up by the end of tmoro if you want?


Big Nige - 14/3/03 at 09:51 PM

Thanks - been for a look. Would be good if you have any specific Velocity photos to post. Thanks again Nige.

Findlay234 - 14/3/03 at 10:36 PM

hmmmm seems like ive only got two specific to the velocity. Rescued attachment velocity front.JPG
Rescued attachment velocity front.JPG

Findlay234 - 14/3/03 at 10:37 PM

Rescued attachment velocity interior.JPG
Rescued attachment velocity interior.JPG

Findlay234 - 14/3/03 at 10:44 PM

sorry mate, i thought id taken more photos than that........... i wanted more for myself. the front ones not a very nce angle either. ah well.

chrisg - 14/3/03 at 11:15 PM

Just had a look at Findlay's photo's

Erm.....................It's HUGE, Is that the V8?



Gazza - 15/3/03 at 06:14 PM

I took a few photos if your interested...... Rescued attachment DSCF0005.JPG
Rescued attachment DSCF0005.JPG

Findlay234 - 15/3/03 at 07:56 PM

ahhh a much better photo. cheers

Simon - 26/3/03 at 09:39 AM

Have a look at Luego's website under

Viento photos

