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Want one...?
tadltd - 14/12/05 at 01:04 AM

Anyone interested...?

chassis assy - GT
chassis assy - GT

Not Locost, BTW.

[Edited on 14/12/05 by tadltd]

kb58 - 14/12/05 at 04:17 AM

I'm afraid that's the very reason we're building our own... we can't afford such things.

Geoff011 - 14/12/05 at 06:00 AM

Very nice!
Any more pics?

donut - 14/12/05 at 08:23 AM

Yes please, i'll have one if it's free!!

Looks pretty awesome!

scotlad - 14/12/05 at 08:24 AM

i'd love one! Sigh............... I keep promising to myself to pay you a visit for a look Steve, but i'd probably end up having to remortgage my house- dont know if i could resist

JonBowden - 14/12/05 at 08:57 AM

yes, I'd probably like one. What is it?

derf - 14/12/05 at 01:07 PM

Yup I'm sitting at my desk and I fear that I cant stand up because my female co workers might think I'm happy for them!

jestre - 14/12/05 at 01:40 PM

Is that an Ultima GTR chassis?

kreb - 14/12/05 at 02:06 PM

Not really. Far too sophisticated, fast, good handling et cetera. I'll take my slow litle lump and go home now (sniff...)

Seriously, veeeeeery nice. It's rather mind boggling that the same chasis that get's used for BECs get big V-8s thrown in too. You could probably fit a Hayabusa in the sump of that thing!

Slightly off topic, but have you done any aero testing on the LMP? I wonder how the creased deign of your car stacks against more organic lined cars.

sgraber - 14/12/05 at 03:17 PM

Want one!??? OMG. You bastard!

That is like looking at a photo in a girlie magazine. (Maybe even better...)

Thanks, I'll go clean up now.

What's the asking price Steve?

Hugh Paterson - 14/12/05 at 06:32 PM

Aye right I'll bite how much...and wots it look like with its clothes on

Hugh Paterson - 14/12/05 at 06:33 PM

Ignore my last comment I would settle for the front uprights!

Hellfire - 14/12/05 at 10:25 PM

Steve - is that the LMP chassis as we saw when we visited you? It's probably the only car I would buy in an enclosed bodyshell... could you do a bulk buy option?

I've just returned from Scotland - if I hadn't have been so busy I would have called for a cuppa and a kick... if you're not too busy around the 9-10th Jan maybe then?

Hugh Paterson - 15/12/05 at 12:45 AM

Creased design eh, he might not talk to you now

kreb - 16/12/05 at 02:18 PM

C'mon now. Nothing derogatory meant. Tell you what, I'll use boatbuilding terminology and call them "Chines" instead of creases. Whatever. It's a great car and one of my personal favorites for sure.

Hugh Paterson - 16/12/05 at 10:15 PM

I'll be having a word with Steve in the morning about a couple of mods to the bodywork, cant wait to see his reaction about "ironing out the creases" the terminology "Kick in the goolies mean the same in the states"?? Not to worry I can usually outrun him

goin2fast52 - 17/12/05 at 04:19 AM

Its the Factory Five GTM

tadltd - 17/12/05 at 05:14 PM

No it's not.

[Edited on 17/12/05 by tadltd]

macspeedy - 17/12/05 at 07:56 PM

i'd say its an lmp with ls1 corvette engine

cornishrob - 19/12/05 at 07:00 PM

that has bars over the top, does this mean it has a roof?

if so im very intrested because i dont want a car i cant use 200 days a year without getting wet

Mave - 20/12/05 at 05:42 PM

Looking at the design of the front upright, I'd say it's a Turner design alright.....
Looks good! Could we see more of it? Please? Pretty please with sugar on top?

Compare it to this Turner LMP upright:

TheGecko - 21/12/05 at 02:00 PM

I knew I'd seen that shot somewhere before - just took me until tonight to find it.

The car is the Evans 486 - see for more.

Not sure that the body styling does much for me though.

So, do I get a prize for identifying it?


tadltd - 21/12/05 at 02:15 PM

HA! Well done that man! I knew someone would identify it sooner or later.

It is indeed the Evans 386/486 chassis that sits under the car you see above. The project is for sale for $95,000 if anyone's interested!

I briefly considered it for the GT project, but that's fallen by the wayside...

No prizes on this occasion, sorry guys!

Mave - 21/12/05 at 05:14 PM

Ehm, what's she doing there?

sgraber - 21/12/05 at 05:32 PM

Is she standing on the rear wing, or is that a bad photoshop paste?

The chassis is very nice looking, but the bodywork is ... uhhh.. . . better keep quiet.

iank - 21/12/05 at 05:52 PM

Originally posted by sgraber
Is she standing on the rear wing, or is that a bad photoshop paste?

The chassis is very nice looking, but the bodywork is ... uhhh.. . . better keep quiet.

Bodywork looks ok from the rear, the front is erm, err, challenging?, umm unique? Strange looking wheel offsets as well.

Rear lights are very odd would they be legal in the US?

As for the girl, is she 7ft+ tall or shockingly badly photoshopped... the clue is in the focus

Hugh Paterson - 22/12/05 at 09:00 PM

Ah nuthin like a bit of thigh by "chunky chicken"

Mark Allanson - 22/12/05 at 11:12 PM

The bodywork probably looked quite good before the accident

scotmac - 27/12/05 at 09:05 AM

Would love to see the design of those front rockers/inboards, as i want to use inboards, but have not idea how to set them up.

RallyHarry - 27/12/05 at 09:36 AM

Photoshop or no photoshop, but why do you put a girlie on the wing ? doesn't ad much does it ..


Peteff - 27/12/05 at 10:26 AM

I'll put someone more your type up there. Rescued attachment standrs.jpg
Rescued attachment standrs.jpg

G.Man - 27/12/05 at 10:44 AM

Originally posted by sgraber
Is she standing on the rear wing, or is that a bad photoshop paste?

The chassis is very nice looking, but the bodywork is ... uhhh.. . . better keep quiet.

Standing on the wing to demonstrate strength I would say...

P Zero - 2/1/06 at 09:57 PM

Must get better downforce with the bloke surely?