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stoneleigh show details
Nightkid - 29/4/05 at 08:25 PM

i'm thinking of going this year and it will be my first time there. any idea where i can get the details for the show online? i tried but no success. most importantly i need to know where it is and the entry fee. Cheers

bob - 29/4/05 at 08:27 PM

JoelP - 29/4/05 at 08:28 PM

search on the forum, there is no real site to promote stoneleigh but all the info is on here. to summaries, its near coventry and about £10 entry.

ReMan - 29/4/05 at 08:44 PM

its at Stoneleigh, between Coventry and Warwick, just off the A46 . Its Sunday and Monday. Search for the NAC.

marshall - 30/4/05 at 07:31 AM

hi nightkid i just seen were you live i use to livethere in laindon and vange it is good to see some one from my home town

alan wheeldon - 30/4/05 at 09:37 AM

its raining now!! typical

hope it doesnt stay for the show??

flak monkey - 30/4/05 at 09:54 AM

Rained here in Coventry last night, but not very much.

Local forecast for tomorow/monday is here:

Should be sunny tomorrow and a nice 19deg. Monday is going to be showery by the looks of it.
