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Aeon Sportscars Open Day
Gaz 1977 - 11/12/08 at 07:24 PM

Aeon sportscars are having an open day on the 30th of december.

The finished model of the Epona will be there as well as the chassis for all to sit in. (not too much, i get the first go)

Obviously the latest incarnations of Aeons current cars will be there for all to see.

everyone is very welcome.
(and its on my birthday)

let me know if you fancy it.


[Edited on 11/12/08 by Gaz 1977]

David Jenkins - 11/12/08 at 07:58 PM


Where is Aeon's factory?

nib1980 - 11/12/08 at 08:35 PM

Aeon Sportscars Limited
Alanco House
Pattenden Lane
Nr Tonbridge
Kent TN12 9QT

David Jenkins - 11/12/08 at 09:24 PM


DIY Si - 11/12/08 at 10:48 PM

I'll try and make it, even if it is 135 miles away.

David Jenkins - 12/12/08 at 08:50 AM

Hmm - 89 miles for me - I might go, if the weather's decent.

02GF74 - 12/12/08 at 09:38 AM

I wonder if Razman will be there? Did he sell his in the end?

RazMan - 22/12/08 at 10:18 PM

I haven't sold my car yet but I might try and make it down there if the weather holds out - it's got to be better than last year.

Gaz 1977 - 26/12/08 at 06:46 PM

it will be good to see you mike.

David Jenkins - 27/12/08 at 02:47 PM

Anyone know what sort of time they'll be open?

Gaz 1977 - 29/12/08 at 09:46 PM

about 1030 onwards i think.

I will be there about 10

chrisg - 29/12/08 at 09:50 PM

I wish I was nearer Gaz, I'd love to see the car, any chance of it being at Stoneleigh?



PS bring beer!

907 - 30/12/08 at 06:14 AM

Originally posted by Gaz 1977

everyone is very welcome.
(and its on my birthday)


Happy Birthday Gaz.

I was going to buy you a nice book (^^^^^) but sadly won't be able to now.

Paul G
(aka Dad)

907 - 31/12/08 at 08:44 AM

I'd just like to say a BIG thanks to all at Aeon for a most enjoyable day.

Shame about the temperatures, but the constant flow of hot tea & coffee made up for it. Much appreciated.

Thanks to David J for the pic below. ("stolen" from the other thread)

Paul G Rescued attachment epona_brg-1-s.jpg
Rescued attachment epona_brg-1-s.jpg