posted on 1/3/08 at 10:33 AM |
identify zetec water inlet for me
I´m not sure of it´s correct technical name but help me identify these out/inlets and electrical contacts
it´s a silvertop -95 i think
![](/galpreviews/left_side.jpg) ![left side engine](/gallery/left_side.jpg) left side engine
1. to expansion can?
2. to?
3. to?
4. contact for
![](/galpreviews/right_side.jpg) ![right side engine](/gallery/right_side.jpg) right side engine
1. oil?
2. water?
3. contact?
excuse the poor photo quality. it´s my mobile phone as my digital camera is crap right now
[Edited on 1/3/08 by Blackwater]
Hope you can read and understand my english
posted on 1/3/08 at 11:16 AM |
1 - Top of Header Tank
2 - Radiator Top Hose
3 - T piece on bottom radiator hose to help with over cooling.
4 - ECU temp sender I believe / Instrument Sender is on the top if you have one?
1 - Oil breather pipe
2 - Bottom of expansion tank.
3 - In the bin
The only other water connection is then the bottom radiator hose which is connected to the water pump. I put a T piece in to connect to 3 in the first
image as recommended by Westfield builders. Ran fine like this for over a year.
[Edited on 1/3/08 by SeaBass]
posted on 1/3/08 at 02:02 PM |
quote: Originally posted by SeaBass
1 - Top of Header Tank
2 - Radiator Top Hose
3 - T piece on bottom radiator hose to help with over cooling.
4 - ECU temp sender I believe / Instrument Sender is on the top if you have one?
1 - Oil breather pipe
2 - Bottom of expansion tank.
3 - In the bin
The only other water connection is then the bottom radiator hose which is connected to the water pump. I put a T piece in to connect to 3 in the first
image as recommended by Westfield builders. Ran fine like this for over a year.
[Edited on 1/3/08 by SeaBass]
I agree however:
Top Pic
3 is the thermostat bypass and is only open when the thermostat is closed to allow for a flow of water around the engine and stop hot spots in the
Bottom Pic
2 I would be a bit loathed to direct that to the header tank as it is intended for a heater and so will flow at all times the engine is running but it
does depend on the radiator you are using. One other tip have a look at the thermostat and you will see there is a little ball bearing in the plate if
this is prised out it will help to bleed air out of the system.
have a look at
[Edited on 1/3/08 by Schrodinger]
![](/galpreviews/a701701-cooling-system-r2.jpg) ![Rescued attachment cooling-system-r2.jpg](/gallery/a701701-cooling-system-r2.jpg) Rescued attachment cooling-system-r2.jpg
posted on 1/3/08 at 03:26 PM |
This site goes to town on all the options. I opted for a layout that was as simple as possible but still effective.
posted on 1/3/08 at 05:38 PM |
thanks for the replyes.
I´mnot gonna use any heater in my car, forgot to say that. And i´m hopefully use Megasquirt
Pic 1
4. yes there is one at the top and the other one under as the picture
Pic 2
3. thow away. what is it for in a ordinary mondeo?
Hope you can read and understand my english
posted on 1/3/08 at 05:42 PM |
I have no heater so number 2 pic number 2 outlet is now blocked off, header tank runs straight round to T-piece in bottom hose.
pics in my archive of zetec plumbing.