posted on 17/8/12 at 07:14 AM |
SR20DET in MK Indy pics?
Anybody with some pics of installs, specifically of new alternator location, etc? I know DRC Indy is one (which is excellent in my opinion). Any
others? Very much appreciated as usual, folks.
posted on 17/8/12 at 06:39 PM |
I guess I know why I can't find any pics!
austin man
posted on 17/8/12 at 07:01 PM |
I only know of one more with that engine install, DRC Indy's is a nice install and utilises all available under bonet space oh and it goes like
Life is like a bowl of fruit, funny how all the weird looking ones are left alone
posted on 17/8/12 at 07:53 PM |
There are a couple of SR20 DET powered 7s on the nissan sx owners club site, www.sxoc.com
"Racing is life, everything else, before or after, is just waiting"---Steve McQueen
posted on 17/8/12 at 10:25 PM |
This is a picture out of my archive of a Indy with a SR20DET fitted, not a lot of good to you as it does not show the alternator, and its the only
picture ive got, but it is a nice install, this was the car that was the fastest on the MK drag day held a few years ago now.
![](/galpreviews/a507001-IMG_7677.jpg) ![Rescued attachment IMG_7677.jpg](/gallery/a507001-IMG_7677.jpg) Rescued attachment IMG_7677.jpg