posted on 1/11/11 at 07:03 PM |
Duratec CLT and fuel rail modification
My Duratec engine have just arrive. The unit came from a 2009 Focus and I see the water distribution box at the back is plastic insted of alloy and
there's no way I can fit a coolant temperature sensor there.
I will be using megasquirt so I need one sensor for the ECU and another for the gauge. I'm not sure on the CHT sensor located berween sparkplugs
2 and 3 but I thinkn I can use it for MS.
Then I have the problem of where to fit the sender for the gauge.
As for the fuel rail, is it made from stainless? I wanted to weld to -6an bungs.
Any help appreciated!
[Edited on 1/11/11 by Nitrogeno25]
posted on 1/11/11 at 07:11 PM |
Think fuel rail is plated steel.
My second sensor will be mounted in a sensor adapter in the top hose near the back of the head.
What do you mean CHT sensor? the only sensor located in that position is the knock sensor.
posted on 1/11/11 at 07:26 PM |
quote: Originally posted by big-vee-twin
Think fuel rail is plated steel.
My second sensor will be mounted in a sensor adapter in the top hose near the back of the head.
What do you mean CHT sensor? the only sensor located in that position is the knock sensor.
Thanks for your reply.
I thought the fuel rail was something like stainless as a magnet does not stick to it!
As for the sensor, I think the knock sensor is in the block and the coolant sensor (CHT) is between sparkplugs 2 and 3.
Thanks again.
posted on 1/11/11 at 07:57 PM |
As you say magnet doesn't stick to the fuel rail but I've had two welded okay (rectangular section versions).
Interested by the coolant sensor between plugs 2 and 3 - can you post a pic of it and also one of the plastic coolant housing.
posted on 1/11/11 at 10:46 PM |
This is the picture of the engine with (what I think) is the coolant sensor in the head.
Below the water outlet, no place for a temperature sender and from what I saw it has one less output (3 insted of 4 according to other pictures)
posted on 1/11/11 at 11:08 PM |
See what you mean. Certainly looks like the coolant sensor and nowhere else obvious for it to be. Is the plastic connector part of the sensor grey
(the coolant sensors I've come across are)?
I'll take a look at the head I'm rebuilding tomorrow night to see whether there looks to be a waterway in that area. I know there's
a threaded hole at that point on the three heads I've seen but it's not open to the waterway.
What's the part number on the head (exhaust side between ports 2 and 3)?
Bit of a pain but one way to check for certain would be to remove the sensor and see.
flak monkey
posted on 2/11/11 at 06:43 AM |
The CLT sensor is in the head as you say
Yours is typical of the latest style duratecs.
posted on 3/11/11 at 10:05 PM |
I fitted 1/8npt clt sensor in the egr blanking plate
posted on 4/11/11 at 02:29 PM |
quote: Originally posted by flak monkey
The CLT sensor is in the head as you say
Yours is typical of the latest style duratecs.
I investigated the sensor in the head (7L5A-6G004-AA) and it seems to be a Cylinder Head Tempearture sensor, so as pjay said, it makes me think
there's not a waterway in that area.
Part number in the head: 1S7G-6000-BV (not 100% sure on the "BV"
Thanks again!
posted on 4/11/11 at 07:07 PM |
Come across cylinder head part no 1S7G-6090-BU - is this possibly it.
Going back to your original question you could fit an aluminium water bypass unit - something like this:
Ford Mondeo MK3 Water Bypass Unit 1.8 2.0 Duratec | eBay
I drilled and tapped the end boss.
Radom - you may have problems with accurate readings from fitting in the EGR blanking plate. There's likely to be hot exhaust gases around
posted on 4/11/11 at 07:21 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Nitrogeno25
I investigated the sensor in the head (7L5A-6G004-AA) and it seems to be a Cylinder Head Tempearture sensor, so as pjay said, it makes me think
there's not a waterway in that area.
If it's anything like the Zetec SE, it is a temp sensor, but not into a waterway, it crush fits against end of the blind hole it is fitted into.
You cannot re-use these sensors - according to Mr Ford at least, but I wonder whether some heat transfer compound might mean it will work ok...?
posted on 4/11/11 at 07:29 PM |
quote: Originally posted by pjay
Radom - you may have problems with accurate readings from fitting in the EGR blanking plate. There's likely to be hot exhaust gases around
yeah I know but I don't think the sensor would be affected by much, although I haven't compare the readings with the stock clt yet (one
is for the Megasquirt and other for koso gauge)
posted on 5/11/11 at 12:40 PM |
Found a picture of the sender fitted into the aluminium water bypass unit (1/8th NPT IIRC):
[Edited on 5/11/11 by pjay]
posted on 7/11/11 at 03:20 PM |
quote: Originally posted by pjay
Found a picture of the sender fitted into the aluminium water bypass unit (1/8th NPT IIRC):
[Edited on 5/11/11 by pjay]
I saw this picture before, it is what I need. I need to find one.
Back to the fuel rail, can I weld 2 -6AN steel bungs in there? I', not sure yet about the material it is made...
posted on 7/11/11 at 11:05 PM |
Not sure it's much help but here's a pic of a second fuel rail I've just got back from being modified (currently on air pressure
![](/galpreviews/DSC04706.jpg) ![Modified Duratec Fuel Rail](/gallery/DSC04706.jpg) Modified Duratec Fuel Rail
Didn't get a chance to find out what material it is but I don't see why -6AN steel bungs shouldn't be possible to weld in - not an
expert though (sadly). This modified fuel rail gives me two of the standard type of fuel pipe fittings, one at each end.
posted on 7/11/11 at 11:12 PM |
quote: Originally posted by pjay
Not sure it's much help but here's a pic of a second fuel rail I've just got back from being modified (currently on air pressure
![](/galpreviews/DSC04706.jpg) ![Modified Duratec Fuel Rail](/gallery/DSC04706.jpg) Modified Duratec Fuel Rail
Didn't get a chance to find out what material it is but I don't see why -6AN steel bungs shouldn't be possible to weld in - not an
expert though (sadly). This modified fuel rail gives me two of the standard type of fuel pipe fittings, one at each end.
Many thanks pjay!