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Must I keep it or modify it?
kango - 10/8/08 at 09:36 AM

Got my GB yesterday and found this thing where I am used to see a universal joint. Can't remember seeing anybodies pictures of this thing at the back of the GB.

Must I keep it or must it be dumped and a normal universal joint welded in?

Will make the tunnel wider than if a UJ was fitted. Rescued attachment GB U Joint small.jpg
Rescued attachment GB U Joint small.jpg

indykid - 10/8/08 at 09:48 AM

yes, it's best to get rid of it. the rubber doughnut props have had some catastrophic failures in robin hoods since they use the standard front joint.

if you give it a solid tap with a mallet, it will come out. you need to replace it with a UJ on the shortened prop. just specify it when you buy your prop, or someone more knowledgable will be able to tell you what joint you can use.


matt_claydon - 10/8/08 at 09:48 AM

It's a 'guibo', ditch it and use a UJ. A guibo should only be used if the box and shaft are exactly in line, wheras most of us have an angled shaft because the diff is lower or higher than the box.

At least that's what the guy who made my prop told me...

chris taylor - 10/8/08 at 10:47 AM

Get shut of it mate, I had one explode on me some years ago on a Robinhood, and it could have been fatal, lucky I was only doing 30mph,



kango - 10/8/08 at 11:52 AM


Is there a standard Part to replace this part or does it have to be made up?

britishtrident - 10/8/08 at 03:37 PM

Dunlop patent Rotoflex coupling --- yes the will take angular movement in fact a lot more angular displacement than a "Hardy Spicer" type needle roller hookes joint which is why they were used on Lotus Elans, Hillman Imps and some Triumphs BUT they aren't too reliable in is a bit close to you body if it breaks up.