This is driving me nuts i have bourght 2 throttle cables and they are both different and both wrong. I cable i need doesn't have a spring on it. The spring is on the carb plate. The cable i am after has round ends that clip over the balls on the pedal and carb. Can any one help me? Iv tried on ebay and the pictures aren' good enough or the cable in the picture isn't the cable i get.
I'm not entirely sure what to suggest from your description, do you have any pics of what you've got and what you wish it to be?
If I were to take a guess - I would say that you probably needed a standard Ford (sierra?) cable...
try contacting speedycables, i'm sure they can help you
I noticed today that Burtons do a range of Ford cables, plus a 'universal' one with at least one end having a Ford ball fitting.
I have a picture of it now
Rescued attachment Image133.jpg
and another picture
Rescued attachment Image132.jpg
Looks like std ford throttle cable end for pinto etc carbs.
A local motor factors had a universal kit in stock that had various ends when i was desperate for one. It was at the back of the warehouse covered in
dust so you may need an extra helpful assistant to do a thorough search for you.
Scrap yard?
I think in the end i had to use a mixture of new and old bits to make a cable up - but i had broken down after it snapped so i wasnt able to wait for
proper one mail order.