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Ron's Tank
GO - 14/10/03 at 09:19 AM

Whats the score with our Ron's fuel tank design? Is the baffling sensible or could we improve it at all?

Basically I want to design a tank for an injected engine with a submersible pump. So, I want to stick a built in swirl pot on the bottom of the tank for the pump to sit in, but I also want to make sure that the rest of the tank is sensibly baffled.

JoelP - 14/10/03 at 11:40 AM

i was wondering this, i concluded that you could have several baffles and smaller holes at the top and bottom, too big and the fuel will rush straight thru! gonna just tack mine and get a pal to tig it, can seem to do water tight welds!

timf - 14/10/03 at 12:02 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
can seem to do water tight welds!

i would of thought fuel tight would have been better

but seriously if the baffles are made such that they are pairs eg Rescued attachment tank_baffle.jpg
Rescued attachment tank_baffle.jpg

JoelP - 14/10/03 at 12:27 PM

a good idea indeed...

im thinking about 10 gallons/40 odd litres. is this excessive or normal? need to do it the same depth as the sierra tank to use the same internal gubbins.

40 litres would be 20cm high, 40 wide and 50 across i think? seems quite big actually....

GO - 14/10/03 at 01:11 PM


is that sketch a plan view looking from above?

timf - 14/10/03 at 01:32 PM

yes indeed

based on the group 4 rally tank from an rs2000

GO - 14/10/03 at 01:36 PM

Great, I like stuff with a bit of race breeding in it, cant be a bad thing. So i'm guessing the rally rs2000 has a submersible pump that sits between the two pairs of baffles?

timf - 14/10/03 at 01:51 PM

not a submersible pump but there is nothing to stop you using one

Surrey Dave - 14/10/03 at 03:32 PM

f you make your own tank like I did ,you can check it for fuel tightness by blocking all the holes and pumping it up with an air bed pump and submerging it in a bath.

Mine only had to go back to the bath twice!!!!

See tank at:

stephen_gusterson - 14/10/03 at 05:44 PM

a tank is only too bif if it dont fit, or you expected more luggage room!

mine is 8.8 gallons and it takes up a fair space.

1 litre is 10 x 10 x10 cm, and 4.54 litres to the gallon. You can work out for yourself whats sensible



craig1410 - 15/10/03 at 12:17 PM

Instead of baffles, can't you get some sort of foam?
I think they use this in competition as it completely stops surge and I think it stops explosions too in the event of a crash.


UncleFista - 15/10/03 at 10:13 PM

Foam being used

GO - 16/10/03 at 10:31 AM


Is that some kind of special foam, looks kinda like the foam in my aquarium filter!