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Throttle Body car runs not ok
Jos Fury - 3/11/07 at 05:05 PM

this morning I changed some cooling hoses so wanted to get rid of the air in the system. unfotunately the car started but runs bad. constant fires ou of the throttle bodies. yesterday the car ran fine..... checked ignition leads etc but no result.
throttle bodies came of a gsxr.

does anybody know were the small bolt is for ???? seems like the large one and the small should be "working together" but they don't do so now anymore.
normally I did not have to adjust the idle with the big bolt but now somethning has broken of there since i have to take away the spring and turn the bolt aloms completely in the adjust the throttle bodies valves...


[Edited on 3/11/07 by Jos Fury]

Fatboy Dave - 3/11/07 at 05:59 PM

I can't say what that second bolt is for, as all the sets of GSXR bodies I have here have only got the large bolt (which is the idle speed stop adjuster).

Can we have some better pictures? Could also be spilled coolant in the electrics, dislodged connector etc.

Paul (Notts) - 3/11/07 at 06:35 PM

is the cable tie cutting off some fuel ?

chriscook - 3/11/07 at 07:24 PM

Your vacuum take off is not connected.

Jos Fury - 4/11/07 at 08:01 AM

thanks for your help. will check things out later today.
@ chriscook : which take off do you mean ?

the engine always ran fine for the last two years and I did not change anything yesterday...

thomas4age - 4/11/07 at 08:28 AM

Hey Jos,

Dutch version on KCC site

whahaha, i didn't notice at first 5:15 this morning but after coffee and cigarete it's not connected.

Grtz Thomas

chriscook - 4/11/07 at 09:00 AM

Circled in green below. If your ecu uses MAP (vacuum) for engine load its not getting a signal because its disconnected. It its using throttle position for load then it should be blocked up (or connected to something like a fuel pressure regulator depending on your setup) Rescued attachment ITBs_vac.jpg
Rescued attachment ITBs_vac.jpg

Jos Fury - 4/11/07 at 10:00 AM

thank you Chris and Thomas. will post results here after I know whats causing the problem. of to the garage now..

Jos Fury - 4/11/07 at 05:19 PM

we found out what the problem was !
the gaskabel was not in the correct place anymore so my throttle positioning sensor got the wrong data
thanks for you replies !