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Ford oil/water cooler on a 4AGE
bimbleuk - 27/1/07 at 06:16 AM

Just in case this is of use to anyone else with a 4AGE engine. Here's the parts I've used to install the Ford oil/water cooler block on my Toyota 4AGE.

Top left - bottom half of the Toyota sandwich plate.
Top right - Ford cooler bought off Ebay (£20)
Bottom left - mounting collar from a Mini/Metro sourced oil/water cooler
Bottom middle & right - adapters from an oil cooler sandwich plate.

The more simple method would be to use the Ford centre adapter and add a small extension (the bottom middle adapter) to the end as the Toyota block threads are too deep to go straight on. This would allow you to mount the Ford cooler straight to the block. However I needed to space it out a little to clear my engine mount.

You exhaust manifold will need to go over the chassis rails in a typical seven kit car to clear it. An alternative is to source a swan neck adapter from a Ford engine which relocates the whole assembly. I've also bought one of these off Ebay to try (not got it yet).

Ford oil water cooler bits
Ford oil water cooler bits

Ford oil water cooler mounted
Ford oil water cooler mounted