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XFlow Throttle Linkage
The Doc - 21/1/07 at 08:36 AM

Anyone else fingd that the throttle linkage plate was sticking up too high for comfort?

This is a 1600 with twin choke Weber.

Any ideas?



Deckman001 - 21/1/07 at 12:00 PM

Yes, that and the cable was stoping me getting the bonnet on, So I changed the carbs to R6 ones and now it's all sorted, sorry not the answer you were looking for I guess, but if the linkage is too high, try fitting the bonnet over the carbs as well


rusty nuts - 21/1/07 at 12:19 PM

Don't have any problems with my Luego locost. How high is the engine? could be it's too high

Stuart Walker - 21/1/07 at 01:07 PM

Yep, I had this problem, the bonnet lifted up as you accelerated at first!!

Not too good, so I fitted a bulge. All fine now.


DavidM - 21/1/07 at 05:53 PM

I had this problem with the Motorcraft carb. I modified the bracket so that the cable came in just below horizontal instead of sloping down from above, if that makes sense.


You can just see it here: Rescued attachment 222.JPG
Rescued attachment 222.JPG