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Yukspeed sump for C20XE
apex - 31/7/06 at 08:06 AM

I installed the Yukspeed "big wing"sump and it was perfect. A 20 mm gap to the seven framework on both sides. Had to cut off the oil plug a bit, thats all. Huge (40-50 mm) improvement of ground clearence!

apex - 31/7/06 at 09:30 AM

Before mod Rescued attachment brfore.jpg
Rescued attachment brfore.jpg

apex - 31/7/06 at 09:31 AM

And after...hey presto: Ground Clearence!! Rescued attachment after.jpg
Rescued attachment after.jpg

FlansS14 - 31/7/06 at 02:17 PM

Looks good, how much clearance have you got from the top of the head to the underneith of the bonnet.

on a totaly different subject have you done the breather mod to the rocker cover to stop oil pouring into the inlet manifold...


apex - 31/7/06 at 02:37 PM

IŽll have to check. I have got a scoop on it to clear the inlet mani.

The breather mod....I donŽt think so. I bought the car 2nd hand. Do you have a link, u can post? Rescued attachment anyBild_001.jpg
Rescued attachment anyBild_001.jpg

FlansS14 - 1/8/06 at 05:29 PM

Basicaly, if you take the rocker cover off you will see a L shapped plate to stop the splash from the cams going down the pipe's into the inlet butterfly. BUT the other end it where it comes up from the sump, so when you corner hard it comes up from the sump and dumps it into the inlet causing allot of smoke, if you cat of the excess leaving a small square bellow the breather exit its fine... ill try and find a link, all the nova boys do it.. .

FlansS14 - 1/8/06 at 05:32 PM

apex - 3/8/06 at 08:33 AM

OK! IŽve had a lot of problems with oil smoke during cornering, so this may be very helpful indeed!!

I thought I had overfilled it slightly, but it can be a combination of both.


ned - 3/8/06 at 08:44 AM

we've had dry sumped xe's that have breathed a fair bit of oil, especially if you over fill them.
