My carbs ZX9R i cant get the fuelling right.
With regards to my other post here I put fuel in 3 and 4. The carbs didnt chuck
any fuel in when turned it over so i put fuel in 1 and 2 to see what happened and it spued out of the t piece on 2.
What am i doing wrong?? I havent got a clue what im doing with bike carbs.
Its firing on easy start so i know the ign etc works.
Please help its so close to running!!!!
Rescued attachment carb pipes..JPG
3 + 4 are the fuel connections. The t pieces marked 2 are either the connectors to equalize the pressure to the top of the vacuum chambers (under
black caps) or the connections than keep the pressure in the float chambers at atmospheric pressure. If you feed fuel into 3 + 4 at too higher
pressure the float chambers will flood forcing fuel out of 2 if they connect to the float chambers as described above. Bike carbs only need 1-2 psi
(they are normally gravity fed from the tank above). Use a bike fuel pump they cut out when they sense back pressure in the fuel line (float valves
You have U2U
[Edited on 24/4/06 by givemethebighammer]
Don't know about the ZX carbs but 1 and 2 will be air vents not sure about 3 and 4 they look more promising but this picture shows R1 carbs and
the fuel inlet is into the float chamber on no 2 carb, then connects internally, there are various other connections but are all vents so leave alone.
If you get really stuck take the carbs off, turn upside down, remove one float chamber and blow down what you think is the inlet while lifting the
float. When air comes out of the needle valve you have got the right hole, but it shouldn't be that difficult.
Rescued attachment carb in.jpg
I have an r6 fuel pump feeding them. With fuel in 3 and 4 the carbs dont put fuel out. Is something blocked do you reckon or what?
Can you hear the fuel pump "ticking" then cutting out when it has pumped up to pressure ?
Is there fuel in the float chambers ?. Remove the cover from the bottom of one to see.
You may find a manual for the motorbike here:
should give you details on how to strip the carbs and hence details of what each connection does.
[Edited on 24/4/06 by givemethebighammer]
Is it a pump for a carbed R6 or the Fuel INjection type pump??
Can you post a pic of it?
[Edited on 25/4/06 by shortie]
Originally posted by Danozeman
I have an r6 fuel pump feeding them. With fuel in 3 and 4 the carbs dont put fuel out. Is something blocked do you reckon or what?
If you definately are getting no fuel through when cranking you could try briefly "choking" the carbs by covering the intakes whilst cranking (though easy to flood the engine if you do this for too long).
Is it a pump for a carbed R6 or the Fuel INjection type pump??
Go to and view the data sheets for your carbs.
1&2 are probably the water heating connections.
the de-icer circuit is out of view on the bottom i think.
Its all up and running now.
Many thanks for all your suggestions. Im not sure what happened by i went to it today and it went.. Runs nice lovely and loud!!!!