Okay looking at my fireblade engine there seem to be 3 pipes venting to thin air. There's the carb. breather just below the fuel lines,
there's the pipes at the other side of the carbs (2 pipes into one thingy near the choke doohickey) and then what I assume to be the crank case
breather (near No. 4 spark plug).
With the lack of an airbox, which of these should go via a catch tank, which need to be filtered, and which should just wave in thin air?
My guess would be that I need to get one of those little filter boxes for the carb. breather which for some reason I don't have (though how
critical is this? it's obviously been running a while without), the crankcase breather filtered via a catch tank, but the "other"
I'm not sure about? Should this just flap, separate filter or catch tank?
First up have a wee look HERE
The crank case breather can go into a catch tank - a small aluminium drinks bottle will do the job. Rarely seems to spit anything out in my
The fuel 'breather' can be blocked off until you need to look at emmisions testing.
The two into one, I'm not sure about I honestly can't remember where I stiuck that, and I'm not near the car nor my haynes to check.
Good luck
Thanks. I didn't mean the little hose in that picture though I meant the on here: -
Flappy Hoses
The one labeled "breather" hose I think is actually supposed to come out the other side (looking at the Haynes manual) and connects to a
"carburetor breather cover" which I don't have, in which is a filter. I guess I'll get a K&N breather thing.
Looking at the Haynes too it looks like the 2-into-1 I mentioned (air vent above) just "flaps about".
Oh, and I made me a catch tank too
Catch Tank
I'm looking at doing up a catch tank similar to that - is it ok to duct the cam-case breather into a catch tank like that? Seems weird to me when
it was originally into the airbox.
Also while I'm asking, is there any reason why I couldn't tap the hose labelled "air vent" into my air filter back plate instead
of getting one of those little standalone filter jobs? thanks.
Was that a dumb question or something?