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Plastic Fuel Tanks
givemethebighammer - 28/1/03 at 08:49 PM

How do Plastic fuel tanks stand up to the SVA test inspectors ?

I have been led to believe that anything is OK as long as it is "E" marked ?

Plastic Tank Man this may be a good question for you.

thanks Rescued attachment Itchy.gif
Rescued attachment Itchy.gif

Jon Ison - 28/1/03 at 09:19 PM

PTM will be your man, but i aint heard of any been faild ???

locodude - 29/1/03 at 06:55 PM

As long as the tank doesn't leak the material it is made of doesn't really matter. The ones that I produce are made of Polyethelene (as are all modern cars) and have all passed SVA with flying colours. Tanks have an exemption for self built vehicles.

givemethebighammer - 31/1/03 at 02:01 PM

Cool, will get back to you in the following months to build me one then !!!
