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adjustable exhausts
ewanspence - 19/3/02 at 01:02 PM

Now I have the fuel lines and tank sorted and nearly fitted I am onto the next stage. Exhausts.

My question is - How SVA'able is an adjustable exhaust - sound level, it has nicely rounded edges?

I am making the pair of 2 branch manifolds - 1 for each side (there are only 2 exhaust ports each side of the 2.8 (I beleive the 2.9 has 3)). But don't know what silencers to get. Was thinking of a pair of the Lolocost chrome (£55 each) but then saw some adjustable things in Demon tweaks magazine for £75 each. They have a lever at the end that opens and shuts a plate that opens or shuts a rong of holes.

David Jenkins - 19/3/02 at 03:20 PM

At a guess, they'll ask you turn the control to its loudest position and then take the measurement.

Jon Ison - 19/3/02 at 06:13 PM

think tou will find there very "flow" restrictive as well, any flaps ect... is not gonna help get them nice hot exhaust gass's out, better to kill the noise with a decent silencer than just blocking somthing up, silencers can make a big difference, i have dyno sheets that show a genuine 17bhp difference when we was messing with silencers on a dyno.

rocket - 6/8/06 at 06:59 AM

For best flow you want to look for for absorbtion types.

These have a packed outer casing with a baffle inside that allows the gas passage without blockages. I should know I make them for a living

All you need to do is get the right size for your engine i.e. the the bigger the volume the greater the silencing ( more to it than that but you get the idea)


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