Hi guys, I'm new here and we are going to attempt a bike car conversion on a Fiat x1/9. We have purchased these manifolds with these carbs
attached but were wondering if someone could confirm what carbs they actually are? Many thanks. Not sure how to upload photos so have to put the eBay
link in.
eBay Item
They look like Keihen carbs,
Could be off a zx6r or zx9r as a starter for 10.....a quick google of the carb numbers should confirm this once you have the carbs
They look like Kawasaki ZX750R, ZX7R or ZX9R carbs to me.
[Edited on 22/2/16 by MikeRJ]
Thanks guys I thought they might be zx6r cars but the throttle is in the middle. The code number is V615 EB06. Does that mean anything? Also how do I post photos. Sorry!
could be a yzf600/750 thunderace if the throttle cable is in the middle, same basic carb though.
quote:see http://www.locostbuilders.co.uk/viewthread.php?tid=202618
Originally posted by Marx175 Also how do I post photos. Sorry!
The problem is that Keihen supplied similar carbs to lots of bikes....
They do look like Keihen 'CVK' type (will be cast into the sides in big letters)
Beyond that i can't say anything for certain, i don't see any TPS wires, so either its from a bike without one or someone's removed it
- this would be one more clue.
But the biggest clue would be the choke size - this would really narrow down the options and tell you how suitable they will be for your engine at the
same time
As an aside the manifold and the hose look very similar to the one I got made by bogg bros.... (not that that's in any way concussive either)
my money is on zx9/e carbs but could be wrong
With flat tops they are either zxr750 38mm chokes or zzr1100 40mm chokes..
Wow so many replies, thanks everyone. Would the jets be interchangeable between these different models?
[Edited on 22/2/16 by Marx175]
Originally posted by jacko
my money is on zx9/e carbs but could be wrong![]()
Might sound a bit thick but how do we check the choke size? Which orifice are the chokes?
This may help:
Originally posted by mcerd1
Originally posted by jacko
my money is on zx9/e carbs but could be wrong![]()
Defiantly not ZX9R 'E' carbs - they are CVR carbs with domed tops (the ones I've got for my pinto)
Right, the top of the cars have writing on that is worn off a bit but does looked like rx but could be zx something. So they are probably zxr750 cars
thanks everyone.😊
[Edited on 22/2/16 by Marx175]
[Edited on 22/2/16 by Marx175]
Originally posted by Marx175
Might sound a bit thick but how do we check the choke size? Which orifice are the chokes?
They look like ZX9R-C carbs, they are identical to the ones on my ZX9R-C engine.
Bike cars marx175
Can see tops on sunlight in wrong order but seem to be zxr750.
[Edited on 23/2/16 by Marx175]
Looks like something a bike breaker has written on them, then they probably got mixed up when they were serviced
But that assumes that they haven't had the caps swapped with another set of carbs.....
Best to pull them off the manifold and measure them - that will tell you if they are suitable and narrow down the possibilities a bit too (jets etc
are fairly easy to get anyway - the carbs themselves are fairly standard across lots of bikes)
If that setup was supplied by bogg bros (or similar) its likely that the jets have already been drilled out to a 'best guess' size for the
engine they were meant to fit, with a full rolling road setup needed to fine tune this later
Thanks will let you know what happens.....
I suspect they are ZX7/750 carbs, or ZZR1100. The throttle linkage in the middle rules out early ZX9R and ZX6R, the lack of a TPS rules out all the
other ZX9R carbs.
The internal diameter at the manifold end should be 38mm and the spacings 78-87-78mm if ZX7. However if they are 40mm and spaced 75-86-75mm then they
are ZZR1100.
All the same basic carb.....
Wow thanks for the info.
Just seem a set on ebay that look exactly the same called zx7r?
38mm inlet holes.😊
Originally posted by Marx175
Just seem a set on ebay that look exactly the same called zx7r?
Great, thanks.
Hi, zx750r bike carb air box doesn't look like it would fit as the gap is the same between trumpets, yet the zx9r airborne seems to have the right spacing with the gap in the middle, how very odd.
Hi, zx750r bike carb air box doesn't look like it would fit as the gap is the same between trumpets, yet the zx9r airborne seems to have the right spacing with the gap in the middle, how very odd.