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Fuel Pump not working
cfc999 - 30/4/13 at 06:42 PM

Trying to start my 1300 xflow for the first time today but not having much luck
My facet solid state fuel pump does not seem to be working for some reason
Does it need priming ?
It makes a very faint buzzing sound which is no were near as load as I thought it would be
Checked all connections which all seem ok
Will it drag the fuel out of the tank as all my fuel lines are new
Any ideas

[Edited on 30/4/13 by cfc999]

rusty nuts - 30/4/13 at 06:55 PM

Mine is!

02GF74 - 30/4/13 at 07:33 PM

firstly disconnect the fuel line to the carb(s) and put it into a clean glass jar - turn on the pump and see if petrol is going into the jar.

facet solid state are "push type" so need to sit low near the tank but it should cope with the difference in levels between the tank and the carbs on a 7.

if you have the steel bodied filter fitted (which you should have!!), check that it is not blocked by removing it from the pump, then tap it on a piece of wood so any bits clogging it will drop out.

Litemoth - 30/4/13 at 08:00 PM

Piped the right way around?

johnemms - 30/4/13 at 08:08 PM

Mine was full of 'dirt/sand/dust' I've just took it all apart to get all the
crap out and now have a big glass filter from tank before pump
broke down a few times from crap jamming the pump

cfc999 - 30/4/13 at 08:13 PM

Thanks for the tips
Tried sucking on the fuel pipe to draw the fuel through with no joy
Will remove the pump and have a closer look at the steal filter on the end

johnemms - 30/4/13 at 08:52 PM

i'd got a poo load of grit in the pump piston
all scored and jammed up ..
Even had its own filter in the pump!
somehow got past it..
Put a good one in line now,,

kj - 30/4/13 at 09:22 PM

Not got any splits in the line, mine was pulling air and cutting out

cfc999 - 8/5/13 at 01:48 PM

After tapping it lightly it finally kicked into life. It's now making a loud tapping noise.
Connected it up to the fuel lines and as suggested removed the fuel pipe that attaches to the carbs and placed it in a jar. Switched the pump on (which is situated very close to the fuel tank) expecting to fill the jar with fuel. Nothing came out.
Does it need priming or is it f**ked.

johnemms - 8/5/13 at 01:54 PM

Put a gallon of petrol in... If its ticking then its trying to pull fuel.. Check direction .. not connected backwards

[Edited on 8/5/13 by johnemms]

cfc999 - 8/5/13 at 02:04 PM

Plenty of fuel in the tank so not sure why its not pulling it through.
Checked arrows on pump and filters to make sure they all point in the right direction
Will take a pic of fuel pump position in relation to that tank and see what you think

[Edited on 8/5/13 by cfc999]

cfc999 - 8/5/13 at 03:54 PM

Here's a pic of my solid state facet fuel pump. Is its position any good.


[Edited on 8/5/13 by cfc999]

johnemms - 8/5/13 at 04:05 PM

Looks OK .. pull the one from the tank side and check its clear.
The pipe should say 'SUITABLE UNLEADED FUEL'
Fuel pipe for unleaded needs to be Nitrile I think..
Not sure but check inner pipe has not rotted and collapsed blocking the pipe.

You need to blow through the pipes from carb and tank to make sure no blockages - then change the damm pump !

[Edited on 8/5/13 by johnemms]

02GF74 - 9/5/13 at 07:49 AM

Can't see where the hoses end up but you sure you have it plumbed the right way round?

[tank] ------> [metal filter]-[pump]---------> carb

check the plastic in line filter is right way round - they should work both ways but usually the fuel goes through the ouotside of the filter in wards - the tapered end being the inlet.

So in your photo, you have it so that the fuel comes in from the lower right corner.

If it is still not working, remove the pump, clean filer and connect a samll hose to a jar of petrol to see if the pump is pumpimng - presumably you have a good power supply - 12 V and a good earth (0V).

dave_424 - 9/5/13 at 09:02 AM

I thought that all filters should be after the pump, what happens to debris from the pump through wear or in the event of a failure?

Does the pump work okay upside down? just a thought...

02GF74 - 9/5/13 at 09:27 AM

see here

johnemms - 9/5/13 at 09:42 AM

I have 2 of these..
One of these between the tank & Pump with a magnet on it.
Another at the carbs.