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Rover V8 - She runs!!
craig1410 - 29/8/04 at 05:51 PM

For those out there who may have been following my build, I have managed to get my engine running earlier today. Sound recordings never do an engine justice but I've recorded one anyway for posterity. The Mic was struggling to capture the sound without distortion even though it was a good 15 feet from the exhaust tailpipes.

Don't know what the SVA test will make of it but I can worry about that another day. For now I am well chuffed!!


macspeedy - 29/8/04 at 06:12 PM

really nice growl, you have a nice x-mass project, good luck

ReMan - 29/8/04 at 06:55 PM

You should play it though windows media plawer with "bars and waves-scope" visualization and you can see how well its running, just like a krypton tuning rig

stephen_gusterson - 29/8/04 at 10:46 PM

well done.

always a nice milestone!



craig1410 - 29/8/04 at 11:33 PM

Thanks guys, it certainly is a nice milestone to finally hit. I heard the engine run before it was removed from the donor but the downpipes on the donor were broken and it sounded 'orrible. I would have had it running two weekends ago but during final preparation I managed to get my finger caught in my electric hand drill and broke the finger and ripped the nail half off. I had to go to A&E where they pulled the nail off completely, put a stitch in my nail bed and glued it back on to protect the nail bed. while the new nail grows. All in all it was a bit of a pain...

Moral of the story is, don't try using a drill to ream out the hole in the end of an earth braid crimp while holding it. Yeah I know...
I'm usually very safety conscious but on this occasion I just didn't see it coming for some reason. Somehow a hand drill doesn't seem scary compared to a grinder or lathe or welder but the linear force produced when something wraps around a 9mm drill bit is pretty fierce!!

Here's a picture of my finger a few days after the event. Not as bad as the guy who got his fingers caught in the lathe a few months back but sore all the same.

Craig. Rescued attachment SoreFinger.jpg
Rescued attachment SoreFinger.jpg

macspeedy - 30/8/04 at 09:47 AM

craig1410 - 30/8/04 at 11:30 AM

You can say that again!

It actually looked better before I let the Doctor loose on it. I didn't realise that it was broken initially and performed the usual first aid on it (ie. wrap in toilet roll and secure with insulating tape) and carried on working. Then it started to throb and was generally getting in the way so I went inside, washed my hands and showed it to my Wife. [Why do I get the feeling that you lot will find that last sentence amusing...] Anyway, she sent me up to A&E where a lovely young Irish lady doctor patched me up. Isn't it amazing how much braver you can be when it's a good looking doctor/dentist you are seeing? The sorest bit was actually the local anaesthetic in my finger, 6 injections!!

Lesson learned anyway.

Simon - 10/9/04 at 08:15 PM


Just seen your finger (and replied to your u2u! - bit late -sorry). Hope it's quite a lot better now (nearly 2 wks have passed!).

Had a similar thing (though not as painful) when I had an angle grinder blade go into my finger - was quite deep and blade width. Stuck on a band aid and carried on (this time with gloves ). Finished what I was doing, removed glove and decided I best pay a vist to hospital. Doc cleaned it up and put on..... a band aid!!!

Anyway, glad your engine is up and running. Have you got a propshaft in yet? Next milestone is to have rear wheels turning under engine power, even if car on stands!!



JoelP - 10/9/04 at 08:23 PM

and if you are accident prone, dont bother with this bit!!!!

i twatted my thumb with a hammer yesterday, sounds run of the mill but i really squished it into the floor at point blank range, sideways on. Its gone black but i think it wont fall off (hopefully!)

engine sounds great, just pissed off the girlfriend with it on full vol! hope finger gets well soon...

blueshift - 10/9/04 at 10:08 PM

Er, I'm no doctor but if it's gone black that could be very bad.. like sepsis, gangrene, septic shock, all that kind of thing. If you just mean it's really bruised that's one thing, if it's gone proper black though (and maybe numb?) get to hospital, it could be lethal. seriously.

alfasudsprint - 10/9/04 at 11:30 PM

Joel...just love doing that! I count the seconds before the " Can you turn that down please!" She doesnt know many English swear words...yet!

MikeRJ - 13/9/04 at 02:15 PM

Originally posted by blueshift
Er, I'm no doctor but if it's gone black that could be very bad.. like sepsis, gangrene, septic shock, all that kind of thing. If you just mean it's really bruised that's one thing, if it's gone proper black though (and maybe numb?) get to hospital, it could be lethal. seriously.

Nails always go black when you really hit them, it's just coagulated blood under the nail.

Managed to get a bonnet slammed on one of my fingers nails many years ago and I can honestly say it was one of the most painfull things I have ever encountered. End of my finger was the size of a ping pong ball and after a couple of nights of no sleep went to A&E. To relive the pressure under the nail, they heated a straightened paper clip red hot in a sprit burner and pushed it through my nail. Nearly hit the bloody roof and it took two male nurses to hold my arm down whilst the nurse did it! Much better afterwards though.