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Sausage filter thru hood questions ??
tompat3463 - 4/4/11 at 05:14 PM

Hi guys. I've got an MK indy blade and I was wondering how I get the sausage filter to be high enough to be able to cut a section out of the hood and it to be flush..

ie. is there a way to extend my trumpets so that the filter will then sit high engough or is this not possible on blades ??

at the minute my sausage filter is arounf 130mm too low for this to happen and if I cut it out it would just leave a very tastless gaping hole in my hood !!

Many thanks Alan

Humbug - 4/4/11 at 05:47 PM

Alternatively, you could cut a hole in the bonnet and put some mesh in the hole?

Mr Whippy - 4/4/11 at 05:49 PM

its my understanding that longer trumpets would alter the performance

maybe best to make and airbox over the filer instead and have cold air ducted into it

dlatch - 4/4/11 at 06:54 PM

if it fits inside comfortable then i would go the airbox/cold feed route and leave the bonnet alone

tompat3463 - 4/4/11 at 07:04 PM

OK. thanks guys.. I suppose I could utilize a snorkle kinda thing to give the same effect as the filter thru the hood

anyone got an specs for an ideal air box size ??

James - 4/4/11 at 07:54 PM

What about a Naca duct in the nosecone or bonnet and a pipe feeding air to the filter?

Steve Hignett - 4/4/11 at 09:24 PM

How about a sequence of decent sized hole-saw holes?

Two lots of three 52mm ones for eg?

Steve Hignett - 4/4/11 at 09:33 PM
