I need a temp sender for my 2l Pinto. It is not the 205 block but the 2.0. Are they all the same for the Pintos or did they change the thread or
sender type?
Anyone help me out here?
Thanks in advance.
Sender has to match the instruments you are using.
Oh bugger! How will I know if it matches?
Might help if we knew gauge manufacturer -somebody will know.
No idea who made it. The only thing I can find is a bit of writing on the front:
Made in the UK - ST2231/01
Piccy below:
Temp Gauge
They look like they could be Smiths Gauges, I wouls connect a standard pinto one in and see what the reading is you could , if they are smiths a Mini
or BL derivative would probably do if they are from a mini, the mini also had a small rectifier which had some type of bi metalic switch, if this is
not used the gauge will always read too hich as the voltage is too great.
I only know this because I fitted them to my austin A35 and had the above problem