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Fuel pump - which inlet/outlet?
McLannahan - 8/11/10 at 09:09 PM

I'm changing the fuel pump on KC and it's a Mitsubitshi number. It's a Honda 'Blade pump and came in great condition but I'm not swapping it like for like.

Based on this photo would anyone have an educated guess which is the inlet and which is the outlet?

Thanks all


Fuel pump
Fuel pump

tomgregory2000 - 8/11/10 at 09:15 PM

no idea, cant you just hook it up to 12v with a hose on one hose tail and see if it sucks or not?

dilley - 8/11/10 at 09:15 PM

fit 2 pipes and test it with a can of petrol.

austin man - 8/11/10 at 09:18 PM

12 volts across it thum on the end you will feel it either suck or expel air

McLannahan - 8/11/10 at 11:19 PM

Originally posted by austin man
12 volts across it thum on the end you will feel it either suck or expel air

Thanks Austin - Did as you suggested. Wasn't keen to try with fuel or liquid incase I fricked it up!

Pump now fitted (ish) but tested and it seems to be a good'un, and for the first time in over a year KC spluttered to a start!

Thanks all for your help
