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I may have found the cause of my rasp but . . .
bi22le - 28/7/10 at 07:26 PM

I posted a while ago about my 4age making a rasp kind of noise.

I think I may of found the problem, there is a gap between the silencer and 4-1 mainfold. On stand still the engine wont make the noise so its hard to detect but when under load (driving) it does. Holes in exhausts make all sorts of noises do you think this could be the problem?

The BUT part of the title is becasue I cant think of an easy way of solving it. The exhaust cant be slid on any further becasue it only locates on the mounts in one way, no adjustment. So I was thinking of trying to get some wadding or packing to put inbetween the two tubes but this will be inpossible to keep in place while sliding the tubes together. There is really little room.
There is a clamp but the slot (for allowing the end to flare) seems too long and therefore no matter how tight the join is the hole at the start of the slit is still there.

Any ideas on loosing this hole?

mrwibble - 28/7/10 at 07:31 PM

have u a pic of the problem?

i think you mean the join between the manifold and the silencer, i take it thats a weld? any chance of some sort of gasket material coated in gasket sealant clamped on some how?

RichardK - 28/7/10 at 07:39 PM

Blob of GunGum exhaust paste??

bi22le - 28/7/10 at 07:51 PM

Ill get a pic now,

I want something thats not brittle so it wont snap and also removable incase I need to break the silencer and manifold.

bigrich - 28/7/10 at 07:54 PM

clear silicon sealer, seals the joint and allows removal, used it on bike cans loads of times

bi22le - 28/7/10 at 08:33 PM

Pic a lic

Exhaust Gap
Exhaust Gap

[Edited on 28/7/10 by bi22le]

bi22le - 28/7/10 at 08:38 PM

Silcon Sealer is a good shout. Just hope the high temps dont cause problems. I think its rated to about 150 deg.

dlatch - 28/7/10 at 08:58 PM

strip of alloy to cover the hole and put the clamp over it
maybe a touch of exhaust paste for good measure

richard - 28/7/10 at 09:22 PM

Thats looks exactly the same as the issue i had on our exhaust, as i was able to weld that was the way i got around it.
As it was such a small area the lack of stainless covering shoud not be an issue.

COREdevelopments - 28/7/10 at 09:33 PM

I got same problem on my exhaust system, which is on a 4age too. I have been meaning to sort it out but it never gets done. My car also sounds raspy but think its just the 4age and the exhaust. let us know if it does the trick.


bi22le - 28/7/10 at 09:42 PM

I have wondered if it is just the way the engine is but when watching youtube clips it sounds soo smooth. Also you would of thought a nice Toyota 20v engine would be super smooth not any kind of rasp at all.

My car is not on the road at the mo due to insurance but should be in the next few weeks.

Core ill keep in touch about the rasping.

COREdevelopments - 28/7/10 at 09:49 PM

Ye true point there but i think it may be the exhaust system itself which contributes to the "raspyness"also have noticed on my system the rivets change size depending on engine temp. sometimes they are loose and rattle like a biatch! and vice versa. also due to buying my first house car is off the road for time being.

forgot to add my system is from a company called Tube engineers who used to supply luego. Not sure what system yours is.



[Edited on 28/7/10 by COREdevelopments]

Slater - 28/7/10 at 09:51 PM

I had the same problem, put some exhaust paste in the slot and covered it up with a jubilee clip, seems to work fine.

ShaunB - 28/7/10 at 10:35 PM

I've also done the exhaust paste and jubilee clip trick in the past, works well and easily removable if it proves not to be the cause.

bi22le - 18/1/11 at 06:46 PM

Ok uodate on the rask noise.

I sealed it using high temp sealent and it made NO differene!!

So im just putting up with it and moving on with other tasks.

Best of luck!

tul214 - 18/1/11 at 07:41 PM

I have just seen this thread but thought it was worth adding.....

When I had my 4A-GE powered Tiger, mine rasped too. I searched the web and it seems it is a case of 'they all do that!'