What do you recon, as metioned above for a 2.0 pinto with bike carbs.
[Edited on 4/2/10 by kj]
Fit trumpets to each carb, and build an airbox around them. I found it cut engine noise (drive by) on my car, and a lot of people claim a HP increase too.
This is mine on zx9r carbs
triple filters 3
And mine....
depends if you want to keep it inside the bonnet or cut a hole in it for filter
And mine - made from sheet ali, with some mesh to support the Pipercross filter foam.
Originally posted by David Jenkins
And mine - made from sheet ali, with some mesh to support the Pipercross filter foam.
Think i will try a one like davids, and try keep it inside the bonnet.
I have seen filter foam on e-bay and have some spare ali.
Note that I did make some holes in the side of the bonnet next to the filter, covered with mesh on the inside (the front of the filter was very close
to the bonnet and may not have got enough air).
Here's three of the holes - total of 4 - excuse the bent bit, which was a totally different story!
Rescued attachment bonnet.JPG
I have a hole in the top of the bonnet which was where the old k&n on the webber came through which will have a scoop fitted.
So if i put the filter element towards the top of the air box the scoop should direct the flow into the air box.
Can't belive the price of the sausage filters,