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Type 9 electronic speedo adapter
JEPY - 17/3/09 at 08:26 PM

Has anyone used one of these adapters with a ford speedo sensor to run an electronic speedo? (as shown on page 84 of the 2009 burton catalogue)

Any problems with it? Anything good/bad to report?


blakep82 - 17/3/09 at 08:28 PM

i bought on, haven't fitted it yet, so i don't know. but i'd be interested to know what others say.

also if anyone knows where i can get the other end of the plug for it...

irvined - 17/3/09 at 08:45 PM

I use one and it works well with my smiths telemetrics speedo, make sure you have enough clearance between your tunnel and the socket though, i dont have a burton catalog to hand, but i think i got mine form there so am assuming its the same one. Its about 2" long and 1.5" wide so if your tunnel is tight it may be a pita to get it in.

For me it was worth every penny as my magnets/pickup were giving me no end of problems.

JEPY - 17/3/09 at 09:02 PM

Cheers for the feedback. I've just been and measured up and the width looks like it's going to be tight, plus I've added a bracket just in that area to support the brake line! Doh.

Think I'll get it then re-work the tunnel. Like the idea better than trying to get the radius on a cable or paying for a 90 degree converter.

Originally posted by irvined
I use one and it works well with my smiths telemetrics speedo, make sure you have enough clearance between your tunnel and the socket though, i dont have a burton catalog to hand, but i think i got mine form there so am assuming its the same one. Its about 2" long and 1.5" wide so if your tunnel is tight it may be a pita to get it in.

For me it was worth every penny as my magnets/pickup were giving me no end of problems.

David Jenkins - 17/3/09 at 09:28 PM

I made a sender! (yeah, I know, smug bu**er)

Here 'tis, without its lid...

speedo sender
speedo sender

This fits instead of the speedo cable on the type 9 box.

The material cost was almost zero (just the cost of a hall sensor & magnet) but if I'd added up all the hours it took to design and make, I could have bought a new gearbox & commercial sender!

[Edited on 17/3/09 by David Jenkins]

AdrianH - 17/3/09 at 10:14 PM

Who does the 90 degree converters, just need the information for a just in case as I have not around to fitting the speedo yet?



serieslandy - 17/3/09 at 10:33 PM

Originally posted by AdrianH
Who does the 90 degree converters, just need the information for a just in case as I have not around to fitting the speedo yet?



Burton power do them, not exactly locost though.

blakep82 - 17/3/09 at 10:37 PM

got mine right hee, its 2 and a half inches long. plenty of room in my tunnel thankfully

tomgregory2000 - 17/3/09 at 11:01 PM

mine is in the post, hope to get it tomorrw

AdrianH - 18/3/09 at 07:43 AM

Thanks for the link. £95 OMG. Time to get the lathe and milling machine working going and some bevel gears.


JEPY - 18/3/09 at 10:36 PM

Ordered, should have by the end of the week and see what the clearance is like!

Yeah, the 90 degree converters dont seem like great value!

Staple balls - 21/3/09 at 06:36 PM

Anyone got one of these, or some photos?
