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More exhaust blah
zilspeed - 27/12/08 at 05:20 PM

Today I have been mostly working on the exhaust.

Cluckin bell, that's tricky.

First of all, I should admit to making it from an old bike exhaust which I chopped to suit, so was working with what I had rather than buying in bends to suit.
Maybe I'll never learn.

Anyway, first primary to collector was no problem, because it could go where it wanted and I had my pick of the pipes and bends.

The further it went the trickier it got, because the bit you're making has to match the bit you've already made.

I think I got there in the end, still just tacked up and will now need to be fully welded and finished, but that's just time - a day in the garage will do it I should think.

No high res pics because it doesn't bear scrutiny at this point in time. I may do one once I'm happy with it.

In the meantime, here's one you can squint at. Now need to crane the engine back out, clean, derust and paint the engine bay and then the engine can be cleaned and refitted - hopefully with my nicely finished exhaust. Rescued attachment exhaust.jpg
Rescued attachment exhaust.jpg

blakep82 - 27/12/08 at 05:51 PM

looks alright

got to do mine soon. its got to fit down the tranny tunnel too don't even know where to start! lol

zilspeed - 27/12/08 at 07:37 PM

Have hacked the exhaust can and that's now fitted. Just need to bend the bracket to suit. Looks a lot better now.

Going to bolt the manifold to my spare cylinder head tomorrow and fully weld it there to avoid distortion. Rescued attachment Small IM000817.jpg
Rescued attachment Small IM000817.jpg

RichardK - 27/12/08 at 08:49 PM

Looks fine to me mate,

I did mine from two old pinto exhaust systems, welded em up and covered them in exhaust wrap jobs a good un

