You have u2u
Please do NOT make threads telling people they have a u2u.......
If you are not sure when they were last on site, click 'search' or 'member list', search on his/her name, look at his profile, and
if he/she has been on recently, they WILL see the notification as per blakep82s screen shot.....
Thank you
Fozzie (Admin)
errr yes I get that,
But you only see that if you are logged in
I feel like I'm back at school
I wont do it again....soz!!!
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh LOG IN THEN!
Threads are for people to join in, not private tell them they have a message!....Plus it kicks proper forum stuff off the front page.....
Now...detention for a week and no Christmas pressies for you!
Ha, if short track comes up trumps then I will have had my Christmas pressie
Well you could always email him
stop having a private chat you two!
to be fair, i don't think he's on here every day, so email him. he replies pretty quick he emailed me back within minutes of sending him
one this morning