Has anybody fitted two engines side by side onto rear axle. If so have you any pictures as i am building one, need more ideas. Thanks.
Speak to the bloke building the furoure kit. His first is twin BEC.
Russ Bost
fuore f1 of Russ Bost has this set up i think or what about the autograss cars that chain drive both engines to a common shaft then to the rear wheels
Froggy on here has a twin tl1000 kitten van,converted by Martin Keenan,nice bit of kit
[Edited on 19/05/04 by PAUL FISHER]
Rescued attachment kitten engines.jpg
Z cars have done it tons of times. Reverse box with two inputs and low and high ratios!
Nah! You'd have to be stupid to do that!
Yes that's me! 2 x Kawasaki ZX10 (the old engine) side by side, no diff, LH engine drives NSR wheel, RH engine drives OSR wheel - works a treat
but the engineering is a bit tight unless you have loads of space. 274BHP in about 600kgs goes quite well tho'!
There's some pics on the website www.furorecars.co.uk or go to the links page & follow links to my old sites, more pictures there.
NS Dev is doing the same on a fiat 500 grasser. It uses a solid rear axle (ie no diff).
Originally posted by russbost
Nah! You'd have to be stupid to do that!
Yes that's me! 2 x Kawasaki ZX10 (the old engine) side by side, no diff, LH engine drives NSR wheel, RH engine drives OSR wheel - works a treat but the engineering is a bit tight unless you have loads of space. 274BHP in about 600kgs goes quite well tho'!
There's some pics on the website www.furorecars.co.uk or go to the links page & follow links to my old sites, more pictures there.
still fettling mine, the hard bit is getting the engines to work togehter on part load if you go for an autograss set up with both engines turning a
shared shaft . i think the z cars way with a drive box allows to the engines to give a bit when under part throttle but i also think z cars use a
drive box for packaging reasons as one engine sits behind the other in their twin r1 mini. using a pair of twins has added 5" to my wheelbase and
puts the weight in the middle of the car .using a pair of 4cyl engines grasser style would mean a very long shared shaft and possibly some vibration
issues . on the plus side it gets rid of all the bec drawbacks with good torque road car gearing i.e 80mph cruising and all the bec good points
,loads of revs sequential box etc. downside is single figure fuel consumption, one engine used to manage around 15mpg so with both running i might
manage around 10
"Curious how you got that road legal. I though you couldn't have 2 engines driving 2 separate wheels on the same axle by law? They had to
either feed separately the front and back axle or be a common feed to a single axle? Unless my understanding is wrong..."
This appears to be a common misconception, they did give me some grief at SVA, but had to back down after I spoke to some of the highups who said
there was nothing against it in the regs - I offered to install a cutout switch on one engine in order that i could demonstrate it didn't affect
the driveability with one engine driving & the other not, they agreed to this & we drove around the SVA station with the tester driving it
& me cutting the engine out! It then passed
So far as I am aware there is nothing in any regs, construction & use etc that forbids engines driving separate axles - didn't Top Gear do a
"push me pull you" which could be driven from opposite ends of the car - although of course that never had both engines driving at the same
Originally posted by russbost
Nah! You'd have to be stupid to do that!
Yes that's me! 2 x Kawasaki ZX10 (the old engine) side by side, no diff, LH engine drives NSR wheel, RH engine drives OSR wheel - works a treat but the engineering is a bit tight unless you have loads of space. 274BHP in about 600kgs goes quite well tho'!
There's some pics on the website www.furorecars.co.uk or go to the links page & follow links to my old sites, more pictures there.
nice man
"are you calling me stupid?? "
No I was calling myself stupid (or insane, nuts, several cans short of a six pack)
However if the cap fits you slap it on yer 'ed!