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Author: Subject: Morgan Driver!!!!!!!

posted on 29/5/04 at 12:26 AM Reply With Quote
Morgan Driver!!!!!!!

This evening I was travelling to pick up the missus and I went onto a roundabout in the right hand lane (correct) in order to leave on the third exit some 275 degrees around the roundabout, when some idiot driving a spanking new morgan pulls up alongside me in the left lane, you know whats coming don't you!

It turned out that he was planning to leave the roundabout at the same exit as I was and proceded to drive right round to his and mine exit in the outside lane and without even indicating. This forced me to continue round the roundabout narrowly missing someone pulling out from the next exit.


This is one of those things which drives me insane, I am in my early 20's and percieved to be, by many older "experienced" drivers to be reckless and dangerous on the road, where in fact there are thousands of people driving around who havn't the faintest idea of how to use a roundabout, causing accidents and near misses. RANT OVER

My apolgies, it is somthing i feel strongly about though, and one argument for introducing driving retests and making those people who havnt' sit the theory test.

P.S. its my birthday!!

[Edited on 29/5/04 by liam.mccaffrey]

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Metal Hippy

posted on 29/5/04 at 03:44 AM Reply With Quote
Happy birthday.

Next time drive him off the road while sounding your horn constantly. The fucker won't do it again.

Kind regards...

White Van Man.

Cock off or cock on. You choose.

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posted on 29/5/04 at 06:22 AM Reply With Quote
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted on 29/5/04 at 06:57 AM Reply With Quote
Happy Birthday
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posted on 29/5/04 at 07:48 AM Reply With Quote
I'm the most mild mannered person you'll ever meet, but I would have had the fecker off the road for his cheek.
You cannot be dictated to like that.
Yes - probably an over reaction - but bad driving and bad manners must not be tolerated, because they will just keep doing it.

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posted on 29/5/04 at 08:25 AM Reply With Quote
well if he keeps doing it his beloved morgan wont last long!!!

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posted on 29/5/04 at 08:28 AM Reply With Quote
There seems to be a hidden market here for 007esque devices of retribution... Ideas on a postcard.

A bit of slapstick never hurt anyone.

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posted on 29/5/04 at 08:30 AM Reply With Quote
In the style of Homer Simpson,
"Mmmm, retribution"

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posted on 29/5/04 at 08:46 AM Reply With Quote
Do you know the worse thing too...


This evening I was travelling to pick up the missus and I went onto a roundabout in the right hand lane (correct) in order to leave on the third exit some 275 degrees around the roundabout, when some idiot driving a spanking new morgan pulls up alongside me in the left lane, you know whats coming don't you!


It turned out that he was planning to leave the roundabout at the same exit as I was and proceded to drive right round to his and mine exit in the outside lane and without even indicating. This forced me to continue round the roundabout narrowly missing someone pulling out from the next exit.

If there were road markings on the roadabout, go back and check 'em. Chances are - he is in the right unless they are directional lanes!!! If you would have hit him, he would have had the Highway Code on his side! According to the Highway Code he has right of way as he has not crossed lanes... you would have! I have passed numerous tests in which I have asked the Instructer specifically about this - to which the answer is "If you cross lanes and collide with another vehicle, YOU are at fault!"

I drive Hellfire with the same respect as I ride a motorbike - very defensively!

Fortunately you checked to your left before pulling over, so avoiding the collision - I know loads of people who have fallen foul of this and they have all taken the largest portion of liability for the cause of the accident.

From the diagram below: If you're rhe RED vehicle - you're right of way is in RED.
If you're the GREEN car - your right of way is in GREEN.

Assuming the white lines are as are drawn!!

(Sorry for the cr*p drawing! )

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posted on 29/5/04 at 08:53 AM Reply With Quote
Sorry Hellfire but what a load of twaddle! I've can't recall ever seeing a roundabout (or "circle" if yer fae Dundee) that has lines marked as described. Most I use daily have either no lines or spiral type lines leading to exits. Just about every morning I have a classic roundabout fiasco at one particular spot in Edinburgh. I just find it amusing now rather than getting annoyed. These people will get what's coming to them. Just pisses me off that my insurance premium will rise as a result.


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posted on 29/5/04 at 09:01 AM Reply With Quote
Seems wrong to me too.
Surely if red was going straight on (assuming all exits are dual lane) and green was trying to turn right the resulting collision would be greens fault for entering the roundabout in the wrong lane and having to cut across the exit.

I passed me test a long time ago so stand to be corrected.


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posted on 29/5/04 at 09:16 AM Reply With Quote
SeaBass - lucky you! I do 50K+ per year and see plenty of r'bouts like the one stated.

Spunky - as a witness in a fatal accident between a PSV (GREEN) and a Saxo (RED). Almost similar to the one in question - the Saxo was the one in the wrong and he died as a consequence.

I am in agreement with the pair of you - to add more oitment to the pot... are HGV's an exception to the Highway Code?

If you give it serious thought you will see why...

TRY IT and put my theory to the test!

PS I passed my advanced test 2 months ago!

[Edited on 29-5-04 by Hellfire]

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posted on 29/5/04 at 09:17 AM Reply With Quote
highway code

ok if I changed lanes and hit him i would be at fault but he was wrong to begin with, I i hadn't been so observant i might have hit him

he was in the left lane going on to the roundabout and not indicating which means his intention was to go straight on he didn't, and pullled along side me when i was changing lanes, it was six of one half a dozen of the other, it may have me who was at fault in the eyes of the law but he caused the altercation so it was his fault in real terms.

P.S don't buy a morgan their indicators don't work

[Edited on 29/5/04 by liam.mccaffrey]

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posted on 29/5/04 at 09:20 AM Reply With Quote
Liam - by law he doesn't have to indicate his intentions. It is merely a statement of his intentions... do you pull out from a junction when a driver is indicating his intention to pull in. Or do you wait?

AGAIN!!!! - I agree with the statement that his is in the wrong lane!!!!!!!!


THE highway code R'bout HAS NO MARKINGS!!!!!!!!!!

It does NOT state which lane you HAVE to be in - in states which lane you SHOULD be in!

What you are saying is - "if a driver pulls into my lane and collides with me - I am in the wrong"

[Edited on 29-5-04 by Hellfire]

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posted on 29/5/04 at 09:27 AM Reply With Quote
of cousre, i agree with you completely hellfire. if you read the highway code link above it actually states that you must be aware that other road usermay be signaling incorrectly ar not at all.

thank god I am an ok driver, some people would not have checked behind them on leaving a roundabout and had an accident.

retests should be compulsary,

my grandfather said to me once when he saw me checking my blindspot, "what are you doing its really dangerous to take yours eyes off the road" Nuffsaid!!

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posted on 29/5/04 at 09:37 AM Reply With Quote
IMHO - and proabably I'll get lathered for this but:

You should take a refresher Driving Test every five years - FREE at the point of service. This will have a number of effects:

  1. Probably remove loads of age 60+ drivers who passed their test in the army and have never seen a highway code book since.
  2. Probably reduce number of "Boy Racers" who should never have passed their test in the first place
  3. May remove drivers who have never reversed since their driving test
  4. Remove drivers who have never driven on a motorway after/before they passed the test

The more I think about it - the more I wonder why there are not MORE accidents on the road it's ridiculous!

Does anyone have experience on EU Tests?


my grandfather said to me once when he saw me checking my blindspot, "what are you doing its really dangerous to take yours eyes off the road" Nuffsaid!!

[Edited on 29-5-04 by Hellfire]

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posted on 29/5/04 at 09:39 AM Reply With Quote
i couldn't have written it better myself

my grandfather passed his test in the army,

[Edited on 29/5/04 by liam.mccaffrey]

[Edited on 29/5/04 by liam.mccaffrey]

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posted on 29/5/04 at 09:51 AM Reply With Quote
Sorry about the RANT...

<calming down now - tabs kicking in >

It's a very close issue to me doing the mileage I do, as I know a number of others do on this forum. <SG> Touch wood I have not been the cause of an accident over the last 400,000 miles and I see at least one/day, (not always behind me either! ) fortunately the majority of which are superficial.

99% of the time I strictly adhere to speed limits, and suffered the road rage as a consequence! BUT - as I re-instate "I have not been the cause of an accident for 400K miles". I take regular driving courses; Advanced, Defensive, etc., etc., to reduce the probability of me having an accident. I have been involved in 3 but not one was I more than 10% liable (in the courts eyes)

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posted on 29/5/04 at 10:00 AM Reply With Quote
hell fire is right ish - it depends on the type of roundabout. The really big ones that are like a looped two lane road, you have to fight your way to the outside lane to turn off. It always pisses me off when people end up beside you, but i usually just cut them up to learn them a lesson.

On small roundabouts, where there is no lane markings around it but still space for two cars, you cannot go right from the left lane.

I had a muppet bird try that one on me, doing the full 360 degrees from the left lane - she had the cheek to call me a wanker when i 'cut her up' to turn off at the 300ish degree mark! twat...

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posted on 29/5/04 at 10:02 AM Reply With Quote
i was a bit worried there for a minute it was getting a bit heated

i do maybe 30k a year and I am lucky enough to be travelling in an area where there seem to be not many accidents, i have been involved in one and was completely absolved (it was on a roundabout aswell) mind you i am only 23(toady) and have been driving six years so in that respect I am quite inexperienced, but I am a good driver and safe

good discussion

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posted on 29/5/04 at 10:09 AM Reply With Quote
With the most respect helfire but it's the same old song again,a few idiots make a mess and the common reaction is not to remove those idiots from the road but put everyone through a test.The chances are that,if you're lucky, you will be able to ban a few cowboys from the road but also a lot of disabled-elderly people,people who's only means of transportation is their car.
Okay they(elderly drivers) probably can cause nasty situations from time to time but dont we all make mistakes?
If you smack your car into a tree due to the fault of somebody else it realy doesn't make much of a diff if it was a pensioner-a road cowboy or the middleclass snob who thinks the roads where built for the sake of their Discovery's,that caused your crash.
People will allways be able to find what they are looking for and in the case of the Morgan driver,he will meet his obstacle that wasn't able to correct his stupid behaviour.One can only hope that it's a concrete lamppost he hits instead of a tree!

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posted on 29/5/04 at 10:10 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
it was six of one half a dozen of the other, it may have me who was at fault in the eyes of the law but he caused the altercation so it was his fault in real terms.

its quite a bad thing that the law often blames the wrong person - i've had that two myself. If you pull out in front of someone who has either flashed or indicated that he is turning off, it is still your fault if he changes his mind and hits you... hence the taxi mans favourite way to get a week off paid and a new car.

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posted on 29/5/04 at 10:21 AM Reply With Quote
Im planning on doing this all the time. Im still working on my titanium tipped carbon fibre spikes, placed stategically to spike locosts as I change lanes

This must have happend to everyone at some time. I did it to a friend of my wifes once! I knew where she worked and expected her to turn off at a roundabout, same direction as me. We were both aiming to go off the first junction, she was on outside, and I thought id get ahead by following around her on the inner lane..... but she went straight on, home instead of work. I got reported to 'the boss' but the friend had understood why I did it.

Last time I saw 'the code' it says outside lane for (in a 4 junction 'bout) for first and strait ahead, inner lane for ahead and 3rd turn.

BUT you see loads of roundabouts with white lines on em that progressively make you change lanes as you go around.

Its POSSIBLE that you could end up being cut up and its your fault if you failed to drift around ala the lines.

Think yerself lucky its not switzerland. Their rule is priority to those entering roundabout. So, there you are merrily finding your way around, while people come harpooning on at you expecting you to get out of the way.



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posted on 29/5/04 at 10:34 AM Reply With Quote

how else would you remove the idiots other than retesting, I understand your comments about elderly or dissabled drivers and how important it is for them to get about(my own granfather) but how else could the "idiots" be educated

if an elderly or dissabled driver is driving dangerously are you saying we should turn a blind eye? You can't have one rule for some and another for others

Cita, I looked at you pics in the archive, interesting project, are you planning bolting the engine straight to the diff? What engine are you using? Whats your target weight? Sorry for the Q's

[Edited on 29/5/04 by liam.mccaffrey]

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posted on 29/5/04 at 10:53 AM Reply With Quote
Hi Liam,
I understand what you mean but a test is only a test wich only tells you that on that particular moment the driver was able to pass the test.
The day after it's again anyone's game,and believe me most of the idiots WILL pass the test and keep doing idiot things with their cars.
Most accidents are caused not because of not knowing but not doing.
I fully agree that idiots should be banned from driving but having them on the road is a thing you either except or take the consequences for actions of the law to remove them.
More rules is very rarely the solution to solve a problem.

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