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Change of plans
x_flow57 - 25/10/07 at 10:32 PM

I was supposed to collect No1 sons kit (Challenger) from storage tonight and look at a doner tomorrow.

Unfortunatelly I got that call every parent dreads " I've crashed my car, no one is hurt though, can you come out NOW"

He swerved to avoid a BL***y Deer, rear end came round clipped the bank and ended on its side sliding down the road. Only 1/2 mile from home.

Can you believe even on a by-road people didn't stop as he was climing out the ft screen

The roof, a & c posts etc bent so not even worth trying to straighten.

So he now needs a lift to work and no lifts from the pub for me Still only his wallet hurt thankfully and no money for kit building for at least another 6 months.

Bent Mini 1
Bent Mini 1

Bent Mini 4
Bent Mini 4

Bent Mini 3
Bent Mini 3

Bent Mini 2
Bent Mini 2

Bent Mini 5
Bent Mini 5

graememk - 25/10/07 at 10:42 PM

i did this a few times to my old man, its the way i learnt how not to drive.

glad he is ok.

eccsmk - 25/10/07 at 10:55 PM

good to hear he is ok. i did a similar thing ( in my mothers car) and no-one bothered to stop.

hillbillyracer - 25/10/07 at 11:14 PM

It just wouldnt happen where I live, just about everybody would stop & offer help.

Dont scrap the Mini though, beyond sorting for the road but plenty autograssers will make use of it!
I pulled a Mini out of the scrap yard a couple of years ago with similar damage & it often wins races.

TimC - 26/10/07 at 07:11 AM

This exact same thing happened to me when I was 18 and my (ahem) excuse was the same.

Only difference was, my father went nuclear....

Home was not a good place to be for a whle after that.

RazMan - 26/10/07 at 07:20 AM

What a relief he wasn't hurt Nick - that damage looks quite extensive but at least he will get the benefit of finding out how to fix it - time to hone the welding and panel beating skills methinks

wilkingj - 26/10/07 at 08:07 AM

Did you get the deer? They make Tasty eating even Muntjacks do if cooked properly

Glad no one is badly hurt.

What about using the Mini as a donor?

BenB - 26/10/07 at 08:27 AM

Don't swerve for wildlife!
Infact just last night I was talking about one of my patients who swerved to avoid a badger and crashed, breaking both his arms....
Admittedly a deer could do some damage if a direct hit but ? more than happened as a result of swerving...

MikeR - 26/10/07 at 08:27 AM

mate crashed a couple of years ago with me as passenger. Took out a good chunk of hedge, road signage etc. Ended up with the car on its roof in a ditch. I still remember standing on the upturned car climbing out of the ditch looking at the bloke in a transitt as he drove past. He'd slowed to about 10 mph, looked me in teh eye and drove off.

Luckily lots of other people stopped - including a paramedic on his way to work

Did once when i was 20 drive past an accident. I was doing 70 (duel carriageway) and by the time i'd gone past it clicked that the capri was on its roof, people where stood at the side and a wheel was spinning. Luckily people behind where more on the ball and stopping.

piddy - 26/10/07 at 09:19 AM

Sorry to hear that. I'm glad your son is ok.

wyatt - 26/10/07 at 09:34 AM

good to hear that you son is ok

x_flow57 - 26/10/07 at 09:46 AM

Thanks guys for all your sympathetic replys.

Swerving apparantly was an natural reaction and by the time he realised it was a stupid thing to do he was no longer rubberside down and the animal was nowhere to be seen.

Raz unfortunately the roof is twisted and not worth messing with.

The plan (number 6 this morning) is to get another Mini and mod it using this one as a doner, or buy a cheap runaround and build the Challenger in time for next spring.

Being 20 insurance still narrows the choice of banger, thought about a Sierra to runaround in then use as doner but TPF&T still £700+.

Oh well we'll just have to do the running arround for a while longer, I thought we'd done with all that when he passed his test.

Thanks again for your concerens,

Hellfire - 26/10/07 at 11:30 AM

Glad to hear your son is OK.

But the mini............. fit a roll cage, stick a bike engine in it and use it for trackdays


rusty nuts - 26/10/07 at 06:10 PM

I swerved to miss a motorcycle on a B road about 20 years ago and ended up hitting a large tree stump and rolled the car which caught fire with me inside out cold. Someone dragged me out and called for meat wagon. Only found out last year that a stolen motorcycle was found at the scene, the guy who I avoided was done for stealing it but got a bravery award for dragging me out.Glad your son was OK but it was just as well he swerved as hitting a deer in a Mini he would probably have been hurt

RK - 27/10/07 at 12:17 AM

And my brother and I always wondered why our dad took the '56 TR3 off the road when I turned 16... That was 1972. Hasn't been back on since, no matter how much I bug my brother about getting on it.