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where has calvinx mark my mate gone?
imp paul - 22/9/07 at 08:14 PM

hay up lads it would be nice if mark came back on as he is a good chap and has been a good friend to me would be cool to know he is fine cheers paul

Hellfire - 22/9/07 at 10:03 PM


Confused but excited. - 22/9/07 at 10:05 PM

1) Quite.
3) ROM (Read Only Member)

omega 24 v6 - 22/9/07 at 10:45 PM

He's large as life and still helping others and I'm sure if he reads this he'll be in touch.

D Beddows - 22/9/07 at 11:41 PM

How I missed that thread in Hellfire Steves link I have no idea

Sorry but Locostbuilders is a better place without Calvinix, I actualy don't doubt he's a great guy in real life and I have a sneaking suspicion we would actualy get on rather well if I met him - but he was a childish kn*b on here (as anyone who got one of his 'my dad is bigger than your dad' type U2Us will know) and having nothing better to do with his life than deleting all his postings speaks volumes.....

imp paul - 22/9/07 at 11:53 PM

well all i can say is mark is a good person and he speaks what he thinks and i have no problem with that he is a dam fine pal nuff said

phoenix70 - 23/9/07 at 12:38 AM

Having met Mark on a few occasion I have to say he is good bloke, always willing to help a fellow locost builder (even one building a MK).



RK - 23/9/07 at 02:21 AM

I'm getting a tear in my eye as we speak. Oh sorry, that's from the open window beside my computer desk - allergies.

RazMan - 23/9/07 at 06:00 AM

A bit of a Marmite character I think
He has been posting again recently, but then deletes his posts (and even his avatar) straight away ...... which probably says a lot about his personality. I think he has personal issues which need to be sorted.

[Edited on 23-9-07 by RazMan]

RazMan - 23/9/07 at 10:56 AM

Ooooh I think I hit a nerve
Good to see you are up to your usual, backbiting standard Calvin

Quick, before he deletes it!

[Edited on 23-9-07 by RazMan]

Hellfire - 23/9/07 at 11:10 AM

Screen capture... kind of says it all. Probably not the best way to promote your services.

CalvinX post
CalvinX post


RazMan - 23/9/07 at 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Hellfire
Screen capture...

Didn't think of that Steve - thanks

zilspeed - 23/9/07 at 11:52 AM

To be fair, I have deleted old posts of my own too.


That's because I realised I was talking what is known in thes part as 'pish'.

I do tend to think that there's a difference between that and having a pram / toys interface scenario.

[Edited on 23/9/07 by zilspeed]

zilspeed - 23/9/07 at 11:59 AM


Now we have a tricky one for Mr CalvinX.

Up till now he has deleted all his posts, but you have stated above that he will do it again.

Does he delete like you said he would, or does he leave it there because you said he would delete it ?

Mmm, tricky.
(Watches U2U box for action)

RazMan - 23/9/07 at 12:41 PM

Yes, I wonder

There is a certain irony to note that he has always been very quick to threaten his adversaries (as he obviously sees them anyway) with legal action / lynching / public execution etc in the past ...... but am I right in thinking that you need permission to publish other people's photographs in your adverts? That must surely amount to abuse of a trader's contract among other things ..... don't you think?

Hmmmmm ..... what should I do now then

[Edited on 23-9-07 by RazMan]

Dangle_kt - 23/9/07 at 12:58 PM

dont know the bloke, but seen pics of his car, and heard of him helping.

Seems a shame people can't let bygones be bygones TBH.

I've seen many forums deterioate into bitchy messes, full of point scoring rubbish. I hope this one full of mature types will hopefully know better.

gazza285 - 23/9/07 at 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Dangle_kt
I hope this one full of mature types will hopefully know better.

It is now.

RazMan - 23/9/07 at 01:20 PM

Oh dear, apparently I am wrong

Originally posted by Calvinx in U2U


Thank you for pointing out that I need permission to use photos in an advert.

You are quite correct in this assumption and seeing as I took the photograph in question there is NO problem with me using an image obtained with my own imaging equipment.

These images were only obtained AFTER I requested YOUR permission to take photographs (in front of a witness)you FREELY agreed.

many thanks for your co-operation

Keep digging Calvin

[Edited on 23-9-07 by RazMan]

I love speed :-P - 23/9/07 at 01:23 PM

He has changed it now


Quality paint jobs

Quality paint jobs will be on offer soon, Below is a sample of the type of terrible work out there, and a type we WONT be supplying.

u2u for more details


To clear up any confusion the photograph below was taken by myself, only after obtaining permission to take photographs of the vehicle in question from the owner.

However did he ask the owner to use the picture of his car to slag it off and use it to sell his service.

I also think its quite ironic that he doesn’t think us worthy of his knowledge, yet he thinks he is worthy of our cash i.e. used this site to sell his car etc

David Jenkins - 23/9/07 at 01:32 PM

Dearie dearie me...

One thing I try NEVER to do is to slag someone's pride and joy off in a public forum, no matter what I think of it personally. (but I have a huge amount of respect for Razman's work).

Even if I wanted to, I would NEVER do it in an area where other forum members are not permitted to respond.

Just another example of someone's lack of respect for other people...


joneh - 23/9/07 at 01:36 PM

Does that screenshot violate Calvinx's copyright? Or because he copryrighted it after the screen shot does that make it ok?

If so If I copy the screen shot would that be ok? For that matter would I or anyone else want to?

Is this thread about cars?

David Jenkins - 23/9/07 at 01:41 PM

Originally posted by joneh
Is this thread about cars?

No - that's why it's in 'Anything else'.

JoelP - 23/9/07 at 02:00 PM

paul must be one of the lucky few to have met him in person if he thinks he a nice guy, since he comes across as a total knuckle shuffler on here we should get X a tv show, would be better than springer.

BTW mark, u2us arent blocked if you fancy saying hi let me reply though eh?

Confused but excited. - 23/9/07 at 02:12 PM


Quality paint jobs

Quality paint jobs will be on offer soon, Below is a sample of the type of terrible work out there, and a type we WONT be supplying.

u2u for more details

To clear up any confusion the photograph below was taken by myself, only after obtaining permission to take photographs of the vehicle in question from the owner.

How about clearing up the confusion of being based in Cyprus and offering to do paintwork for a predominantly English client base?
Are you planning to commute to do the work, or do you expect people to ship their cars out to you in Cyprus?
I would have been more impressed with a picture of the standard of work you brag about, rather than the denigration another members efforts.
As a 'professional' there is nothing to brag about in being better than an amateur at the same task.
This behaviour tells us more about you as a person than your skills as a trader.

RazMan - 23/9/07 at 03:03 PM

Oooh yes, so can you sort out my stone chips then?
Here's a picture of one of the chips for your reference - disgusting bit of workmanship it is too. Whoever painted it ought to be shot or flogged or something else that you can dream up.
I'll even give you permission to use it in another ad if you like - in fact, if you like I'm sure I can find all sorts of blemishes like that trolley scrape I got at Asda's last month and the kerb scrape that happened when putting the car on the trailer for SVA so with any luck you can probably launch a full-on advertising campaign! Knock yourself out I actually can't believe you actually went to the trouble of putting a copyright statement on that picture - how pathetic is that! Oh and although your legal situation is, at best, questionable regarding use of my car's picture as an example of implied bad workmanship, I really can't be bothered decend to your level and take legal action - that would be just plain ridiculous and I have far better things to do with my life than take you to court (even a Cyprus one)

Oh and just to put the record straight, the implied bad paint job is ACTUALLY some mechanical damage suffered to my roof section when one of the windows flew open at 85mph ...... on private roads of course officer (silly me forgot to fasten the catch properly) so it just goes to show that you really need to be sure of the facts of a situation before you make any accusations or imply that workmanship is sub standard. Get the facts wrong and you just make yourself look like a complete idiot.

My car is no trailer queen - its my daily driver, having done over 10K miles in 10 months you tend to pick up the odd scratch and ding - I accept that fact but it seems not everybody can ... ah well, each to their own standards I guess - so live with it. Oh I forgot that your car is absolutely perfect isn't it :p

Well its been a real hoot this afternoon but I really must get on now - gotta paint something in the garage.
pip pip

Oops, nearly forgot - Is a Copyright valid even when it is mis-spelled? (copywrite?) Sorry, I just couldn't resist that one and please don't assume that I am implying anything about the standard of anybody's education - it was purely a joke ...... ok?

Disclaimer: For those with 'drop of a hat' legal tendencies

Any statements or references in this thread which are made regarding any persons (living or dead) should be regarded as totally flippant and purely coincidental. In other words you shouldn't really give a toss, honestly.

[Edited on 23-9-07 by RazMan]

joneh - 23/9/07 at 03:05 PM

I like the advertising idea though.

"Here's one we didn't prepare earlier."

I can imagine the next TV advert for Audi. It featues an old Skoda. "Here is a sample of the type of terrible work out there, and a type we WONT be supplying."

Arf. Could work for a lot of things...

Paul TigerB6 - 23/9/07 at 03:22 PM

Originally posted by joneh
I like the advertising idea though.

"Here's one we didn't prepare earlier."

I can imagine the next TV advert for Audi. It featues an old Skoda. "Here is a sample of the type of terrible work out there, and a type we WONT be supplying."

Arf. Could work for a lot of things...

You could suggest it to the politicians maybe???? Oh hang on - isnt that what all the politicians do already?? CalvinX for Prime Minister???

Macbeast - 23/9/07 at 03:42 PM

Mark may, as he says, have obtained permission to take the photograph, but did Raz sign a release authorising use of the resulting picture for commercial use ?

I've stayed out of arguments about Mark in the past, on the assumption that there are two sides to every story, and given him the benefit of the doubt; but if it is true that he asked Raz's permission to take that picture without telling him that it would be used as knocking copy then it was a despicable action to do so.

At least Raz is happy to let the supremely high quality of his work speak for itself and doesn't feel the need to tart his car up with spurious "No Fear" "Suzuki" and "Castrol" logos. (Cheap shot I know - sorry )

joneh - 23/9/07 at 04:31 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
Originally posted by joneh
Is this thread about cars?

No - that's why it's in 'Anything else'.


Dale Jarret - 23/9/07 at 04:39 PM are correct!

Giving someone permission to take a photograph of your car is quite different to giving permission to take and use that photograph for commercial purposes and gain.. in fact it is downright illegal.


Hellfire - 23/9/07 at 06:07 PM

Therefore the reason to screen dump the offending image was imperative. It's now been edited to in fact make the advert a little less offensive... in a professional world the one thing you don't do is openly slag off your competition (which is none existant)

Who else offers superior UK services from Cyprus? IMO services such as this should only be offered by people in the UK for people here in the UK. Afterall, any idiot taking up on this offer would have little recourse should the paint job not be upto standard. This authorised Trader has a history whereby if anything goes wrong, all traces of history are deleted, kind of suggests what would happen... if I may say, a little reminiscent to a certain unauthorised trader on here which the authorised trader wholly supported until of late.


[Edited on 23-9-07 by Hellfire]

Confused but excited. - 24/9/07 at 09:44 PM

OOO Smokin' !


Originally posted by CaLviNx
Quality paint jobs will be on offer soon, Below is a sample of the type of terrible work out there, and a type we WONT be supplying.

u2u for more details


To clear up any confusion the photograph below was taken by myself, only after obtaining permission to take photographs of the vehicle in question from the owner.

Therefore copywrite of the photograph belongs to myself and any unauthorized reproduction of the image without my express permission is prohibited.

Edited to remove photo. Flaming of any kind, be it written or pictorial, is not allowed, whether you took the photo or not. --ChrisW


[Edited on 24/9/07 by Confused but excited.]

andyps - 26/9/07 at 10:23 PM

Two things, and I know they have laready been said, but if he is in Cyprus wouldn't it be better to target a more local clientele? Also, why negative advertising. To use the political analogy, hardly anyone votes anymore partly because the parties only tell us that they won't do what they tell us others might do, without saying what they will do themselves. Successful businesses advertise their own abilities, because they can. If you can't show what you can do, why would anyone believe you can do it. Not only that, by saying you are better than others you are ready for a big fall. Unless you can entirely blame a sub-contractor of course